ERSAEuropean Regional Science Association
ERSAEngineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (conference)
ERSAEmployer Retirement Savings Account
ERSAEn Route Supplement Australia (aviation)
ERSAExternal Resource Sharing Agreement
ERSAErnst Sachs
ERSAEconomic Research Southern Africa (National Treasury of South Africa)
ERSAEquity Release Solicitors Alliance
ERSAElectronic Research Supply Agency (US Navy)
ERSAEmployee Retirement Savings Account
ERSAEmergency Roadside Assistance
ERSAExtended Runway Safety Area
ERSAEric Sadek (founder of ERSA Group)
ERSAEnhanced Regional Situational Awareness
ERSAEqual Resource-Sharing Allocation
ERSAEstudios de la Realidad Social Argentina (high-school subject in Argentina)