Acronym | Definition |
ETD | Electronic Theses and Dissertations |
ETD | Enter the Death (French forum) |
ETD | Experience the Difference |
ETD | Elantech Touchpad Driver (computing) |
ETD | Elect the Dead |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETD | Emergency Travel Document (various locations) |
ETD | Ebx Transfer Data |
ETD | External Type Declaration |
ETD | Equipo Terminal de Datos (Spanish: Data Terminal Equipment) |
ETD | Expected Time of Delivery (pregnancy) |
ETD | Exclusive Thai Decor (Thailand) |
ETD | Explosive Trace Detection (technology/machine) |
ETD | Electron Transfer Dissociation |
ETD | Effective Training and Development (UK) |
ETD | Eustachian Tube Dysfunction |
ETD | Estimated Time of Delivery |
ETD | Experimental Toxicology Division (US EPA) |
ETD | European Telework Development |
ETD | Expected Time of Departure |
ETD | Énergies et Territoires Développement (French: Energy and Territories Development) |
ETD | Entering Temperature Difference (heat exchange) |
ETD | Emerging Technology Division (various companies) |
ETD | Européenne Techniques Diffusion (French: European Distribution Techniques) |
ETD | Extended Training Day |
ETD | Empfohlene Tagesdosis (German product labeling) |
ETD | Equal Treatment Directive (EU) |
ETD | Estimated Time of Death |
ETD | End of Train Device (railroads/trains) |
ETD | External Tank Door (US NASA) |
ETD | Exchange Traded Derivative |
ETD | Electronic Tuning Device |
ETD | End Trade Drawdown (finance) |
ETD | Estuary Transit District (Connecticut, USA) |
ETD | Education and Training Development |
ETD | Extensions to Dwellings (UK) |
ETD | Effective Transfer Date |
ETD | Electronic Transfer Device |
ETD | Energy Technology Development |
ETD | Energy Technology Division |
ETD | Enhanced Trickle-Down (water acidification model) |
ETD | Economics and Technology Division (EPA) |
ETD | Electrothermal Deactivation (infectious waste disposal) |
ETD | Extension Trunk Dialling |
ETD | Enlisted Training Division |
ETD | Enabling Technology Demonstration |
ETD | Electric Transmission Demonstrator |
ETD | Enlisted Training Directorate |
ETD | Executive Transportation Detachment (US Navy) |
ETD | Total Transportation Energy Demand (Carolina Environmental Program) |
ETD | Experimentation and Test Directorate |