GHCGroup Health Cooperative (Seattle, Washington)
GHCGhanaian Cedi (ISO currency code)
GHCGlasgow Haskell Compiler
GHCGrays Harbor College (Aberdeen, Washington, US)
GHCGeneral Health Care (various locations)
GHCGlobal Health Conference (various locations)
GHCGeorgia Highlands College (community college)
GHCGenius Home Cinema
GHCGlobal Health Council (formerly National Council for International Health)
GHCGrace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
GHCGlobal Human Capital
GHCGlobal Health Committee (various organizations)
GHCGreater Harris County (Houston, TX)
GHCGlobal Health Connections
GHCGround Half Coupling (US NASA)
GHCGeo-Heat Center (Oregon Institute of Technology)
GHCGeorge Hull Centre (Ontario, Canada)
GHCGorkha Hill Council (India)
GHCGeneral Housing Corporation
GHCGerbing's Heated Clothing
GHCGates-Hillman Center (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA)
GHCGovernor’s Hurricane Conference
GHCGeorgia Heritage Council
GHCGlasgow Hardcore
GHCGlobal Hybrid Cooperation (GM, BMW & DaimlerChrysler)
GHCGalway Hockey Club (Ireland)
GHCGreen Hairy Caterpillar
GHCGuidance Heater Controller
GHCGuidance, Homing, Control
GHCGuardian Hose Company (Thurmont, MD volunteer fire company)