Acronym | Definition |
GHC | Group Health Cooperative (Seattle, Washington) |
GHC | Ghanaian Cedi (ISO currency code) |
GHC | Glasgow Haskell Compiler |
GHC | Grays Harbor College (Aberdeen, Washington, US) |
GHC | General Health Care (various locations) |
GHC | Global Health Conference (various locations) |
GHC | Georgia Highlands College (community college) |
GHC | Genius Home Cinema |
GHC | Global Health Council (formerly National Council for International Health) |
GHC | Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing |
GHC | Global Human Capital |
GHC | Global Health Committee (various organizations) |
GHC | Greater Harris County (Houston, TX) |
GHC | Global Health Connections |
GHC | Ground Half Coupling (US NASA) |
GHC | Geo-Heat Center (Oregon Institute of Technology) |
GHC | George Hull Centre (Ontario, Canada) |
GHC | Gorkha Hill Council (India) |
GHC | General Housing Corporation |
GHC | Gerbing's Heated Clothing |
GHC | Gates-Hillman Center (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA) |
GHC | Governor’s Hurricane Conference |
GHC | Georgia Heritage Council |
GHC | Glasgow Hardcore |
GHC | Global Hybrid Cooperation (GM, BMW & DaimlerChrysler) |
GHC | Galway Hockey Club (Ireland) |
GHC | Green Hairy Caterpillar |
GHC | Guidance Heater Controller |
GHC | Guidance, Homing, Control |
GHC | Guardian Hose Company (Thurmont, MD volunteer fire company) |