HEMHermann (Amtrak station code; Hermann, MO)
HEMHalk Egitimi Merkezi (Turkish: Public Education Center)
HEMHome Education Magazine
HEMHome Energy Management
HEMHigher Education Management (various schools)
HEMHuber Engineered Materials (Atlanta, GA)
HEMHigh Efficiency Module
HEMHealthcare Emergency Management (various schools)
HEMHome Energy Magazine (Berkeley, CA)
HEMHigh Energy Milk
HEMHoneywell Electronic Materials (various locations)
HEMHistorical Electronics Museum (Museum of electronics including radar, military, and microwave devices; Linthicum, Maryland)
HEMHollywood Entertainment Museum
HEMHigh Efficiency Matching
HEMHealthcare Environmental Manager
HEMHeavy Equipment Maintenance
HEMHuman Exposure Modeling
HEMHeat Exchange Method
HEMHybrid Electromagnetic Wave
HEMHuman Eradication Mode (TV show South Park)
HEMHigh Energy Magic (Discworld)
HEMHuman Epidermal Model
HEMHistoric Engineering Marker (Australia)
HEMHoneywell Energy Manager (commercial building engineering)