Acronym | Definition |
FSM | Finite State Machine |
FSM | Fantasy Sports and Mathematics |
FSM | Flying Spaghetti Monster |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia (ISO Country code) |
FSM | Fórum Social Mundial (World Social Forum) |
FSM | Film Score Monthly (Los Angeles, CA) |
FSM | Finance and Strategic Management (various organizations) |
FSM | Family Security Matters (Washington, DC) |
FSM | Free School Meal (various locations) |
FSM | Fluid and Solid Mechanics (various schools) |
FSM | Functional Safety Management (product certification) |
FSM | Fuel Supply Module |
FSM | Free Speech Movement |
FSM | Forgetting Sarah Marshall (movie) |
FSM | Friends School of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN) |
FSM | Fédération des Spécialités Médicales (French: Federation of Medical Specialties) |
FSM | Flight Schedule Monitor |
FSM | Functional Size Measurement |
FSM | Fusion Splicing Machine (Fujikura) |
FSM | Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri (Italian: Salvatore Maugeri Foundation) |
FSM | Font Scaling Manager |
FSM | File System Migrator |
FSM | Flash Sector Manager |
FSM | Flat Shadow Mask |
FSM | Fast Storage Manager |
FSM | Fabryka Samochodow Malolitrazowych |
FSM | Federación Sindical Mundial (Spanish) |
FSM | Faculté des Sciences de la Motricité (French: School of Movement Sciences; Belgium) |
FSM | Free Spirit Media (Chicago, IL) |
FSM | Field Service Management |
FSM | Fédération Syndicale Mondiale (French) |
FSM | Food Service Management (US Navy) |
FSM | Franciscan Sisters of Mary (religious order) |
FSM | Franciscan Sisters of Mary (Religious Order of Catholic Women) |
FSM | Forces Sous-Marines (French: Submarine Forces) |
FSM | FileNet System Monitor (IBM) |
FSM | Field Strength Meter |
FSM | Fast Steering Mirror |
FSM | Full Screen Mode |
FSM | First Stone Ministries (Oklahoma City, OK) |
FSM | Factory Service Manual |
FSM | Factory Scheduled Maintenance (vehicles; various companies) |
FSM | Forerunner School of Ministry (Alabama) |
FSM | Faculté des Sciences de Meknès (French: Meknes School of Sciences; Meknes, Morocco) |
FSM | Frente Sindical Mexicano (Spanish: Mexican Labor Front) |
FSM | Field Sales Manager |
FSM | Fire Safety Manager |
FSM | Financial Services Marketing |
FSM | Fine Scale Modeler (Magazine) |
FSM | Firmware Support Manual |
FSM | Florida School of Massage |
FSM | Full Spectrum Media (various locations) |
FSM | Fresh Start Ministries (Orlando, FL) |
FSM | Final Subdivision Map |
FSM | Fire Science Management (college program) |
FSM | Fédération Suisse des Masseurs (French: Swiss Federation of Massage; Switzerland) |
FSM | Fundación Sierra Madre (Spanish: Seirra Madre Foundation; Guatemala) |
FSM | Four Star Mary (band) |
FSM | Fleet Services Manager (job title) |
FSM | Fabless Semiconductor Management (Tensoft, Inc.) |
FSM | Fort Smith, AR, USA - Fort Smith Municipal (Airport Code) |
FSM | Functional Systems Manager |
FSM | Final Stage Manufacturer |
FSM | FDDI Switching Module |
FSM | Finite State Markov (model) |
FSM | Facility Sustainment Model |
FSM | Frequency Shift Modulation |
FSM | Feasible Successor Metrics |
FSM | Federalist Society Member (politics) |
FSM | Fixed Survey Meter |
FSM | Full Service Manual |
FSM | Female Seeking Male |
FSM | Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter eV |
FSM | Feature Space Mapping (neural networks) |
FSM | Fashion Square Mall |
FSM | Frequent Structure Mining |
FSM | Flats Sorting Machine |
FSM | Frame Service Module |
FSM | First Servicing Mission |
FSM | Forward State Metric (computing) |
FSM | Forward Site Modernization |
FSM | Fuel Supply Manifold |
FSM | Fleet SIPRNET Messaging |
FSM | Foodorama Supermarkets |
FSM | Film Sealing Machine |
FSM | Fan Scroll Motor (automotive HVAC) |
FSM | Fungal Spores Monitor |
FSM | Folded Sideband Modulation |
FSM | Functional Specification Mapping |
FSM | feature structure matrix |
FSM | Fault Summary Message |
FSM | Femtocell Station Modem Chipset (Qualcomm) |
FSM | Fully Surrendered Ministries Inc (Modesto, California) |
FSM | Folded Sheet Material |
FSM | Flight Simulation Monitor |
FSM | Fixed Slope Matching |
FSM | Factor, Sub-Factor, Metric (software quality metrics model) |
FSM | Fabricated Sheet Metal |