Acronym | Definition |
FSMC | Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitive Functions |
FSMC | Food Service Management Company (various locations) |
FSMC | Four Step Marketing Consultants (DeLand, FL) |
FSMC | Family Service of Morris County (New Jersey) |
FSMC | Flexible Static Memory Controller (semiconductor industry, microcontroller) |
FSMC | Finite State Markov Channel |
FSMC | Forward Support Medical Company |
FSMC | Fellow of the Spectacle Makers Company (UK) |
FSMC | Female Sexual Medicine Center (UCLA) |
FSMC | File Server Management Console |
FSMC | First Security Mortgage Corporation (various locations) |
FSMC | Finite State Modulation Code |
FSMC | Federal Supply Manufacturer's Code |
FSMC | Fixed Silver/Mica Capacitor |
FSMC | Flying Space Monkey Chronicles |
FSMC | Frame Store Memory Controller |
FSMC | Finite-State Markovian Channel |
FSMC | Forsaken Soldiers Motorcycle Club |
FSMC | Franciscan Skemp Medical Center (Wisconsin) |
FSMC | Finite-State Machine Channel |
FSMC | Forward State Metric Calculation (computing) |
FSMC | Flying Spaghetti Monster Club |