Acronym | Definition |
HIC | Habitat International Coalition |
HIC | Hanover Insurance Company (New York) |
HIC | Head Injury Criterion |
HIC | Health Insurance Commission |
HIC | Han Solo in Carbonite (Star Wars) |
HIC | Health Insurance Claim |
HIC | Hope in the Cities (various locations) |
HIC | Home Improvement Contractor |
HIC | High Information Content |
HIC | Hannahville Indian Community (Michigan) |
HIC | Human Investigation Committee |
HIC | Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography |
HIC | Humanities International Complete (publishing; various locations) |
HIC | Hickam Air Force Base (Hawaii) |
HIC | Hydrogen Induced Cracking |
HIC | Health Informatics Conference |
HIC | Health Information Center |
HIC | Humanitarian Information Center |
HIC | Hawaii Information Consortium |
HIC | Hospital Incident Command |
HIC | Hawaiian Island Creations |
HIC | Hawaii International Child |
HIC | Hybrid Integrated Circuit |
HIC | Hydrologist-in-Charge (US FEMA) |
HIC | Humidity Indicator Card |
HIC | Herding Instinct Certified (American and Canadian Kennel Clubs) |
HIC | Head Impact Criteria (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard) |
HIC | high intensity conflict (military) |
HIC | Home Improvement Center |
HIC | Household and Industrial Cleaners |
HIC | High Income Country |
HIC | Hanoi International Church (Hanoi, Vietam) |
HIC | Hold in Custody |
HIC | High Integrity Container |
HIC | Health Informatics Committee (of the Australian Computer Society) |
HIC | Hipparcos Input Catalog |
HIC | Human Interaction Component |
HIC | Health Identification Card |
HIC | Hiroshima International Center (Japan) |
HIC | Happinessinchaos |
HIC | Highest Incoming Channel |
HIC | Headend Interface Converter |
HIC | Human in Control |
HIC | Heat Interchanger |
HIC | Horseradish Information Council |
HIC | Health Informatics Consulting (Belle Mead, NJ) |
HIC | Handbook of Indians of Canada (Frederick Webb Hodge book) |
HIC | Hardwood Information Center |
HIC | Host Interface Controller |
HIC | Hotel Inventory Controller (tourism) |
HIC | Hsing-I Chuan (Chinese martial art) |
HIC | Human Interaction Capability |
HIC | Hierarchical Ingredient Code (pharmacology) |
HIC | Hemorrhoid Information Center (website) |
HIC | Highly Insane Criminals (gang) |
HIC | Hardened Intersite Cable (US Air Force) |
HIC | Hand Indicating Controller (piping and instrumentation and diagrams) |