HICHabitat International Coalition
HICHanover Insurance Company (New York)
HICHead Injury Criterion
HICHealth Insurance Commission
HICHan Solo in Carbonite (Star Wars)
HICHealth Insurance Claim
HICHope in the Cities (various locations)
HICHome Improvement Contractor
HICHigh Information Content
HICHannahville Indian Community (Michigan)
HICHuman Investigation Committee
HICHydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
HICHumanities International Complete (publishing; various locations)
HICHickam Air Force Base (Hawaii)
HICHydrogen Induced Cracking
HICHealth Informatics Conference
HICHealth Information Center
HICHumanitarian Information Center
HICHawaii Information Consortium
HICHospital Incident Command
HICHawaiian Island Creations
HICHawaii International Child
HICHybrid Integrated Circuit
HICHydrologist-in-Charge (US FEMA)
HICHumidity Indicator Card
HICHerding Instinct Certified (American and Canadian Kennel Clubs)
HICHead Impact Criteria (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard)
HIChigh intensity conflict (military)
HICHome Improvement Center
HICHousehold and Industrial Cleaners
HICHigh Income Country
HICHanoi International Church (Hanoi, Vietam)
HICHold in Custody
HICHigh Integrity Container
HICHealth Informatics Committee (of the Australian Computer Society)
HICHipparcos Input Catalog
HICHuman Interaction Component
HICHealth Identification Card
HICHiroshima International Center (Japan)
HICHighest Incoming Channel
HICHeadend Interface Converter
HICHuman in Control
HICHeat Interchanger
HICHorseradish Information Council
HICHealth Informatics Consulting (Belle Mead, NJ)
HICHandbook of Indians of Canada (Frederick Webb Hodge book)
HICHardwood Information Center
HICHost Interface Controller
HICHotel Inventory Controller (tourism)
HICHsing-I Chuan (Chinese martial art)
HICHuman Interaction Capability
HICHierarchical Ingredient Code (pharmacology)
HICHemorrhoid Information Center (website)
HICHighly Insane Criminals (gang)
HICHardened Intersite Cable (US Air Force)
HICHand Indicating Controller (piping and instrumentation and diagrams)