GDTGetting Things Done
GDTGoal Directed Therapy
GDTGrand Dictionnaire Terminologique (French: Great Terminology Dictionary)
GDTGraphic Design Technology (educational course)
GDTGesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen (German: Society of German Nature Photographers)
GDTGround Data Terminal
GDTGlobal Descriptor Table
GDTGoodwin Development Trust (UK)
GDTGraphic Display Terminal
GDTGlass Direct Texture
GDTGas Discharge Tube (energy, electrotechinical and electronics)
GDTGeographic Data Technology Inc.
GDTGround Defence Training (UK military)
GDTGroup Delay Time
GDTGeneral Department of Taxation (Vietnam)
GDTGeometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
GDTGeographically Dispersed Team
GDTGame Day Thread (forums)
GDTGeophysical Diffraction Tomography
GDTGlobal Dairy Trade
GDTGeräte-Daten-Transfer (German: Device Data Transfer)
GDTGeneral Delivery Terms (shipping)
GDTGeneral Discussion Thread
GDTGate Drive Transformer
GDTGame Developers Toolkit
GDTGenetic Decision Tree
GDTGreat Deku Tree (gaming, The Legend of Zelda)
GDTGracies Dinnertime Theatre
GDTGeneral Daily Thread (Weight Watchers forum)
GDTGuidant, Inc (stock symbol)
GDTGreenwich Daylight Savings Time
GDTGas Decay Tank
GDTGeorgia Drill Team
GDTGeoDict (file format)
GDTGrand Turk Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands (airport code)