GAAGoals Against Average (Hockey)
GAAGaelic Athletic Association
GAAGlacial Acetic Acid
GAAGeneral Appropriation Act
GAAGlobal Accounting Alliance (est. 2005)
GAAGroupement des Assureurs Automobiles (French: Grouping of Motor Insurers; Canada)
GAAGlacial Acrylic Acid
GAAGlobal Aquaculture Advocate (St. Louis, MO)
GAAGlobal Aquaculture Alliance
GAAGreater Athens Area (Athens, Greece)
GAAGeneric Agent Architecture
GAAGoals Allowed Average (sports statistic)
GAAGerman Agro Action
GAAGravure Association of America (Rochester, NY)
GAAGay Activists Alliance
GAAGlobal Asset Allocation (fund management)
GAAGroup Areas Act (South Africa)
GAAGeorgia Alternate Assessment
GAAGeneral Agency Agreement
GAAGovernment Accountability Act
GAAGoal Against Average (hockey)
GAAGovernment Aid Agency (various locations)
GAAGeorgia Apartment Association (Atlanta, GA)
GAAGlucosidase, Alpha, Acid
GAAGuam Adventist Academy
GAAGastroenterology Administration Assembly (Medical Group Management Association)
GAAGeneral Average Agreement
GAAGovernment Auditing Agency
GAAGeneral Account of Advances
GAAGainesville Apartment Association (Gainesville, FL)
GAAGateway Access Authorization
GAAGrenfell Association of America
GAAGlobal Action on Ageing
GAAGamers Addiction Anonymous
GAAGalvanizers Association of Australia, Ltd. (Melbourne)
GAAGlasgow Airport Authority (Scotland, UK)
GAAGain Adjuster Adapter
GAAGreedy Approximation Algorithm
GAAGround Area Attainable
GAAGovernment Affairs Assessment (Lighthouse Consulting Group)
GAAGrease, Artillery, and Automotive