Acronym | Definition |
FNP | Family Nurse Practitioner |
FNP | Frankfurter Neue Presse (German: Frankfurter New Press; Frankfurter, Germany) |
FNP | Fiordland National Park (New Zealand) |
FNP | Frederick News-Post (Frederick, MD newspaper) |
FNP | Front National Progressiste (French: National Progressive Front; Syria) |
FNP | Family Nutrition Program (various locations) |
FNP | Family Nurse Partnership (various locations) |
FNP | Fundy National Park (Canada) |
FNP | Friday Night Party |
FNP | Food and Nutrition Programme (UN) |
FNP | Foundation for National Progress (Mother Jones) |
FNP | F-Secure Network Protocol |
FNP | Frontend Network Processor |
FNP | Frysk Nasjonale Partij (Dutch: Frisian National Party) |
FNP | Fixed Number Portability (phone numbers) |
FNP | Fictitious Name Permit (California) |
FNP | Fusion Point |
FNP | Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (UK) |
FNP | Fédération Nationale des Podologues |
FNP | Fonds National de Prévention (French: National Prevention Fund) |
FNP | Freedom Nutritional Products (Australia) |
FNP | First National Pictures (now Warner Brothers) |
FNP | Facilitacion Neuromuscular Propioceptiva (Spanish; Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation; physical therapy) |
FNP | Fifth and Pacific Companies (formerly Liz Claiborne, Inc.; est. 1976) |
FNP | Fijian Nationalist Party (political party) |
FNP | Flextel Number Presentation (phone numbers) |
FNP | Firewall Network Processor |