GPFGallons Per Flush
GPFGeneral Protection Fault (Microsoft Windows program crash/error)
GPFGeneral Protection Fault
GPFGrid Parameter File
GPFGlobal Philanthropy Forum (California)
GPFGlobal Peace Festival (UK)
GPFGeneral Provident Fund
GPFGovernment Pension Fund
GPFGlobal Policy Forum
GPFGlobal Property Fund
GPFGrosse Pointe Farms (Michigan)
GPFGrand Prix Festival (racing)
GPFGeneral Purpose Force
GPFGame, Fish, and Parks (South Dakota)
GPFGet Paid Forum (online money making forum)
GPFGrande Puissance Filloux (WW II)
GPFGround Processing Facility
GPFGuild of Professional Farriers
GPFGas Proof
GPFGeneral Purpose Facility
GPFGeneralized Production Function
GPFGeneral Programming Forum
GPFGlobal Publications Foundation (Sweden)
GPFGroup Project File
GPFGlobal Programme on Forests
GPFGreen Planet Foundation
GPFGlasnost Public Foundation
GPFGeneralized Performance Factor
GPFGeneralized Patch Format (from GE)
GPFGroove Between Parallel Folds
GPFGeneral Planning Forecast
GPFGeneral Performance Factor