Acronym | Definition |
HRA | Health Reimbursement Arrangement |
HRA | Housing and Redevelopment Authority |
HRA | Health Reimbursement Account |
HRA | Health Risk Assessment |
HRA | Health Risk Appraisal |
HRA | Human Resources Administration |
HRA | High-Resolution Audio |
HRA | Housing Revenue Account (UK local authority account for council housing) |
HRA | Habitats Regulations Assessment (UK) |
HRA | Human Rights Act 1998 |
HRA | Hampton Roads Academy (Newport News, VA) |
HRA | High Right Atrium (cardiology) |
HRA | Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty (orthopedics) |
HRA | Health Registration Authority |
HRA | Handoff Request Acknowledge |
HRA | Harness Racing Australia |
HRA | Human Rights Association |
HRA | Himalayan Rescue Association |
HRA | Human Resources Association |
HRA | Health Resources Administration |
HRA | Hotel and Restaurant Administration (various schools) |
HRA | Human Reliability Analysis |
HRA | Habitats Regulations Appraisal (UK) |
HRA | Human Rights Awareness (various organizations) |
HRA | Historical Research Agency (US Air Force) |
HRA | Horseracing Regulatory Authority (UK; now British Horseracing Authority) |
HRA | Human Rights Advocates (California) |
HRA | Hot Rolled Asphalt (civil engineering) |
HRA | Home Repair Assistance (UK) |
HRA | Human Reliability Assessment |
HRA | Happy Room Academy (Nintendo Animal Crossing game) |
HRA | Human Resources Advisor (US Army) |
HRA | High Risk Area (travel) |
HRA | Home Runs Allowed (baseball) |
HRA | Honda Research of America (various locations) |
HRA | High-Radiation Area |
HRA | Holy Royal Arch (Freemasons) |
HRA | Human Resource Assistance (Columbus, OH) |
HRA | Hazard & Risk Assessment |
HRA | Hereditary Renal Adysplasia |
HRA | Handelsregister Abteilung A (German: Commercial Division A; Germany) |
HRA | Harrington & Richardson Arms |
HRA | Humanitarian and Refugee Affairs (US DoD) |
HRA | Hydrogeological Risk Assessment |
HRA | Hourly Rolling Average |
HRA | Hawaii Rifle Association |
HRA | Holographic Repatterning Association |
HRA | Higher Rights of Audience (Solicitors Regulation Authority; UK) |
HRA | Hot Rear Action |
HRA | Hannah Reynolds Associates (UK) |
HRA | High Resolution Apodizer |
HRA | Hard Replaceable Assembly |
HRA | Hardcore Revolutionary Anarchists (gaming clan) |
HRA | Health Record Associate |
HRA | Hold-Relax Active Motion |
HRA | Heading Reference Assembly |
HRA | Hull Receiving Array |
HRA | House/Home Rent Allowance |
HRA | Historic Rhône Auto (French automobile association; Rhône, France) |