GATGin And Tonic
GATGatling Gun
GATGeneral Admission Ticket
GATGirl About Town
GATGrow a Tree (various organizations)
GATGeneral Aviation Terminal (various locations)
GATGoldmann Applanation Tonometry
GATGlobal Air Traffic
GATGuidance Automation Toolkit (Microsoft Visual Studio 2005)
GATGeneral Achievement Test (Australia)
GATGroup Audio Terminal
GATGlobal Assessment Tool (comprehensive soldier fitness)
GATGeneral Air Traffic
GATGround Attack Tactics
GATGlobal Advanced Technology (various locations)
GATGroup of Anaesthetists in Training
GATGeneric Application Template
GATGeneral Aviation Transportation
GATGuidance, Apportionment, and Targeting
GATGround-to-Air Transmitter
GATGeek of All Trades
GATGreenwich Apparent Time
GATGerib Assistance Technique (French: Gerib Technical Assistance)
GATGroupe des Assurances de Tunisie (Tunisian Insurance Company)
GATGroupement Airsoft Team (French: Group Airsoft Team)
GATGeneral Any Topic (forum website)
GATGressorial Armament Tactical (Mobilesuit Gundam gaming)
GATGovernment Acceptance Test
GATGuantanamo to Aruba to Trinidad (US Navy)
GATGraphical ASCII Toolkit
GATGestion Assistée de Trésorerie (French: Allied Cash Management)
GATGoodyear Atomic Corporation
GATGlobal Access Table
GATGamers Against Terrorism
GATGate-Assisted Thyristor
GATGratias Ago Tibi (Latin: thank you)
GATGraphics Art Team
GATGroup Audio Terminal(s) (ITU-T P.300)
GATGravity Assist Trajectory
GATGeneral Anything Topic (general discussion forums)
GATGround Assault Tank (Star Wars)