Acronym | Definition |
FSR | Financial Strength Rating |
FSR | Foundation for Self Reliance (various locations) |
FSR | Federal Sentencing Reporter (journal) |
FSR | Financial Services Regulation (various locations) |
FSR | Faculté des Sciences Rabat (French: Rabat School of Sciences; Rabat, Morocco) |
FSR | Faculté des Sciences Religieuses (French: School of Religious Studies; Lebanon) |
FSR | Fiberglass Stain Remover |
FSR | Film School Rejects (movie blog) |
FSR | Final Stage Resistor (automobiles) |
FSR | Five Star Rating |
FSR | Financial Status Report |
FSR | Frühstyxradio (German radio comedy show) |
FSR | Field Service Representative |
FSR | File Server Router |
FSR | Fast Service Rebinder |
FSR | Free System Resources |
FSR | Fabryka Samochodow Rolniczych |
FSR | Florence School of Regulation (Florence, Italy) |
FSR | For Some Reason |
FSR | Full Size Run |
FSR | Financial Services Reform (Australia) |
FSR | Forest Service Road |
FSR | Flame Spread Rating |
FSR | Financial Service Representative |
FSR | Fox Sports Radio |
FSR | Forward Scatter Radar |
FSR | File Select Register |
FSR | Free Spectral Range |
FSR | Force Sensing Resistor |
FSR | Full Scale Range |
FSR | Fédération Suisse de Rugby (French: Swiss Rugby Union; Switzerland) |
FSR | Floor Space Ratio (architecture) |
FSR | Feasibility Study Report |
FSR | Fonds de Sécurité Routière (French: Road Safety Fund; Switzerland) |
FSR | Field Service Regulation (military) |
FSR | Financial Services Roundtable (formerly Bankers Roundtable) |
FSR | First Strike Ration (Natick compact, eat-on-the-move assault ration, equivalent in calories to 3 MRE's) |
FSR | Fender Special Run (guitar design) |
FSR | Fuel Stroke Reference (electrical signal) |
FSR | Front pour le Salut de la République (French: Front for the Salvation of the Republic; Tchad) |
FSR | Full Service Restaurant |
FSR | Family Support Registry (Denver, Colorado, USA) |
FSR | Fire Safety Report (construction; New Zealand and Australian) |
FSR | Fonds Spéciaux de Recherche (French: Special Research Fund; Belgium) |
FSR | Feedback Shift Register |
FSR | Force-Sensitive Resistor (electronics) |
FSR | Fisheye State Routing (communication protocol) |
FSR | Food Service Request (Kamehameha Schools; Honolulu, HI) |
FSR | Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy |
FSR | Farming System Research |
FSR | Futuristic Sex Robotz (rap group) |
FSR | Fractional Synthetic Rate |
FSR | Flash Memory Status Register (computer programming) |
FSR | Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery (medical/cancer treatment) |
FSR | Formula SimRacing |
FSR | Forged Side Relief (automobile piston engineering) |
FSR | Field Safety Representative |
FSR | Field Service Report |
FSR | Flow Line Safety Restraint System (Weir Oil & Gas) |
FSR | Former Soviet Republic |
FSR | Fluorosilicone Rubber |
FSR | Fox Soccer Report (TV program) |
FSR | Fort Smith Railroad |
FSR | Facility Site Review (inspection) |
FSR | Forecast Stock Return |
FSR | Facilities Service Request |
FSR | Filter Self-Rescuer (mining) |
FSR | Force Structure Review |
FSR | Faculty/StaffRetiree (various schools) |
FSR | Full Symptomatic Remission |
FSR | Florida State Referees, Inc (soccer) |
FSR | Full Scale Reference |
FSR | Flood Study Report |
FSR | Frequency-Shifted Reference |
FSR | Finite State Recognizer |
FSR | Fourier Series Representation |
FSR | Fast SRNC Relocation |
FSR | Foundation for Strategic Research (Sweden) |
FSR | Forestburg Scout Reservation (Forestburgh, NY Boy Scout camp) |
FSR | Family Service Radio |
FSR | Full Spectrum Recorder |
FSR | Financial Systems Review |
FSR | Final Systems Review |
FSR | Frequency Scan Radar |
FSR | Free Space Range |
FSR | Facilities Support Requirement |
FSR | Facility Safety Review |
FSR | Full Scale Record (instrumentation) |
FSR | Foreign Separate Rations |
FSR | Fielded System Review |
FSR | Family Support Resources (Glendale, AZ) |
FSR | Fjernskriver Ratt (Norwegian) |
FSR | Fielding Status Review |
FSR | Fund Summary Record (USAF purchase requests) |
FSR | Finlandssvensk Radio |
FSR | Frequency Select Receiver |
FSR | Flight Safety Rules |
FSR | Functional Support Requirement |
FSR | Fixed Price Contracts with Price Redetermination |
FSR | Functional System Requirement |
FSR | Freight Service Report |
FSR | Fire Sprinkler Riser (safety device) |
FSR | Flexible Sheet Roofing (construction) |