Acronym | Definition |
FSRA | Financial Services Regulatory Authority (various locations) |
FSRA | Florida Scholastic Rowing Association |
FSRA | Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Australia) |
FSRA | Foothills Street Rod Association (Calgary, Alberta) |
FSRA | Finnish Street Rod Association (Finland) |
FSRA | Fondazione Svizzera per Ricerche Alpine |
FSRA | Fort Smith Regional Airport (Fort Smith, AR) |
FSRA | Fondation Suisse pour Recherches Alpines |
FSRA | Foreign Service Retirement Actuarial |
FSRA | Formula Sidecar Racing Association (UK) |
FSRA | France Street Rod Association |
FSRA | Fire, Safety & Rescue Asia (conference) |
FSRA | Fast Seamless Rate Adaptation |
FSRA | Fail to Stop and Render Aid (criminal charge) |