Acronym | Definition |
ASCM | American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (Gaithersburg, MD) |
ASCM | Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures |
ASCM | Anti-ship Cruise Missile (US Navy) |
ASCM | Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries |
ASCM | Air and Space Campaign Medal (US DoD) |
ASCM | Associated Students of Construction Management |
ASCM | Advanced Solar Cell Manufacturing (production concept) |
ASCM | Advanced Space Computing Module |
ASCM | Master Chief Aviation Support Equipment Technician (US Navy rating) |
ASCM | Advanced Spaceborne Computer Model |
ASCM | Association of Specialist Car Manufacturers |
ASCM | Alberta Survey Control Marker (Canada) |
ASCM | American Society for the Communication of Mathematics (Oklahoma City, OK) |
ASCM | Antiship Capable Missile |
ASCM | Aquatic Study Club Makassar |
ASCM | Alberta Survey Control Monument/Marker (Alberta, Canada) |
ASCM | Anti-Surface Cruise Missile |
ASCM | Air Space Control Measure(s) |
ASCM | Artistic Stamped Concrete of Maryland LLC (Baltimore, MD) |
ASCM | Adaptive Subcarrier Multiplexing (signal integration) |
ASCM | Application Support Center Manager |