GSVGeological Survey of Victoria (Australia)
GSVGirls Sport Victoria (Australia)
GSVGrande Sertão Veredas (Portuguese: Devil to Pay in the Backlands; Brazilian novel)
GSVGoogle Street View
GSVGreater Saphenous Vein
GSVGeoScience Victoria (Australia)
GSVGenealogical Society of Victoria (Australia)
GSVGround Surface Visibility
GSVGlobal Security Verification (import/export industry)
GSVGarnisonen I Sør-Varanger (Norway military Garrison of Sør-Varanger)
GSVGeneral Systems Vehicle
GSVGarden Spot Village (New Holland, PA)
GSVGross Standard Volume
GSVGrassy Stunt Virus
GSVGenealogical Society of Vermont (US)
GSVGross Sales Value
GSVGay Spirit Visions (Decatur, GA)
GSVGas Sampling Value
GSVGlut4 Storage Vesicle (molecular biology)
GSVGuided Space Vehicle
GSVGenetic Strength Value (thoroughbred pedigrees strength)
GSVGlashütter Sport-Verein (German soccer club)
GSVGun Shot Victim (military)
GSVGuo-Shamai-Verdu (algorithm)