ASCRAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (est. 1992)
ASCRAdvanced Scientific Computing Research (US Department of Energy)
ASCRAdvanced Scientific Computing Research
ASCRASUS Smart Contrast Ratio
ASCRAssociation of Specialists in Cleaning and Restoration (now Restoration Industry Association; Columbia, MD)
ASCRAdult Stem Cell Research
ASCRAssistant Secretary for Civil Rights (USDA)
ASCRautologous stem-cell rescue
ASCRAmerican Society of Classical Realism
ASCRAssociação Saúde Criança Renascer (Brasil)
ASCRAmerican Stock Car Racing (also seen as ASC)
ASCRAssured Safe Crew Return
ASCRAustralian Sugar Cane Railway (Bundaberg, Australia)
ASCRAdvanced Sodium Cooled Reactor