FLIPFast Local Ip
FLIPFast Local Internet Service
FLIPFuture Leaders in Philanthropy (Changing Our World, Inc.)
FLIPFluorescence Loss in Photobleaching
FLIPFloating Instrument Platform
FLIPFlight Information Publication
FLIPFocus on Your Learners by Involving Them in the Process
FLIPFunny Little Island Person
FLIPFast Local Internet Protocol
FLIPFlexible Loan Insurance Program
FLIPFlipmode Kru (gaming clan)
FLIPFinancial and Functional Literacy Incentive Program
FLIPFlorida Investigations of the Paranormal (est. 2009)
FLIPFocus, Links, Input, Payoff (generic cognitive strategy/conceptual framework for problem-solving)
FLIPFlight Information Planning
FLIPFlow Layer Internal Protocol