Acronym | Definition |
HSL | Hue, Saturation, Lightness |
HSL | Health Sciences Library (various universities) |
HSL | Hormone-Sensitive Lipase |
HSL | High Speed Link |
HSL | Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt (German) |
HSL | High Speed Launch (British powerboat; UK) |
HSL | Hue Saturation Lightness |
HSL | Host Service Location |
HSL | Hybrid Silicon Laser |
HSL | Health and Safety Laboratory (United Kingdom) |
HSL | Health and Safety Law (various locations) |
HSL | Heat Seal Lacquer (various companies) |
HSL | Harwell Subroutine Library |
HSL | Highly Sensitive List (goods) |
HSL | Hybrid Solar Lighting |
HSL | High School Liaison (various locations) |
HSL | Hoge Snelheids Lijn (Dutch train) |
HSL | Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Light (US Navy) |
HSL | HERMES Softlab |
HSL | Hazardous Substance List |
HSL | Hardship Letter (immigration) |
HSL | Hindustan Shipyard Ltd (India) |
HSL | Holy Spirit Led |
HSL | Home School Link |
HSL | Hardware Simulation Laboratory (US NASA) |
HSL | Helicopter Antisubmarine Warfare Light |
HSL | Holland Sociaal Liggend (Dutch: Holland Social Landscape; cycling club) |
HSL | Hydrographic-Survey Launch |
HSL | Hypertonic Saline |
HSL | Hindustan Steel Limited (India) |
HSL | Helicopter Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron Light |
HSL | Hypermedia Synchronization Language (Digital Research Corporation) |
HSL | Hue, Saturation, and Luminescence (less common; probably incorrect) |
HSL | Health Service Laboratory |
HSL | Helicopter Sling Load (cargo transport) |
HSL | Home Station Launch |
HSL | Huntington Station Library (Huntington Station, NY) |
HSL | Hazard Significant Level |
HSL | Humane Society of Lewisville, TX |
HSL | Helvetas Sri Lanka |
HSL | Hazardous Substance Location (New Zealand HSNO regulations) |