Acronym | Definition |
HSM | High School Musical |
HSM | High Speed Machining |
HSM | Hierarchical Storage Management |
HSM | Hardware Security Module |
HSM | Hyper Sonic Motor (Sigma lenses) |
HSM | High Shear Mixer |
HSM | Health Sciences and Medicine (Australia) |
HSM | High-Speed Memory |
HSM | High Speed Module |
HSM | Host Switching Module |
HSM | Hot Spare Memory |
HSM | High Speed Memory |
HSM | High Speed Mode |
HSM | High Security Mode |
HSM | Hierarchical Storage Manager |
HSM | Homeland Security Management (various organizations) |
HSM | Hospital de Santa Maria |
HSM | Host Security Module |
HSM | Helicopter Maritime Strike |
HSM | Hot Strip Mill |
HSM | Humanitarian Service Medal |
HSM | Heritage Square Museum (Los Angeles, CA) |
HSM | Hepatosplenomegaly |
HSM | Housing Services Manager (various locations) |
HSM | Hikari Sentai Maskman (Super Sentai Series; Japan) |
HSM | High Speed Modem |
HSM | Hardware Specific Module |
HSM | Hunger Solutions Minnesota |
HSM | Hazardous Substance Management |
HSM | Hialeah Sound Machine (band) |
HSM | Helix Security Manager (software) |
HSM | Heathfield St. Mary (Ascot, Berkshire, England, UK) |
HSM | Health and Safety Manual |
HSM | Heat Seeking Missile |
HSM | Hubble Servicing Mission |
HSM | HealthSystems of Mississippi |
HSM | Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy |
HSM | Hardware to Software Migration (computer programming) |
HSM | Hull Stress Monitoring |
HSM | Hospitality Supply Management Forum |
HSM | Hydraulic Start Motor |
HSM | Hermetically Sealed Microcircuit |
HSM | Hierarchical Storage Module |
HSM | Harmonic Spin Matching |
HSM | Harmonic Subcarrier Method |
HSM | Hardened Silo Missile |
HSM | Headend Service Module |
HSM | Head-Spine Model (aeromedical research) |
HSM | Harvard Stanford MIT (top US research universities) |