Acronym | Definition |
FOA | Funding Opportunity Announcement (NIH) |
FOA | Faculty of Actuaries (various locations) |
FOA | Fundamentals of Advertising (course) |
FOA | Foreign Office Architects (UK) |
FOA | Freedom of Association |
FOA | Fag Og Arbejde (Danish: Trade and Labour) |
FOA | Field of Activity (various organizations) |
FOA | Final Offer Arbitration (aka pendulum arbitration) |
FOA | Fiefdom of Angels (Kevin Max novel) |
FOA | Further Oral Activity (education) |
FOA | Friends of Animals |
FOA | Fuzzy Optimization Algorithm |
FOA | First of All |
FOA | Fiber Optic Association |
FOA | Followers of Asura (Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures; gaming) |
FOA | Formula One Association |
FOA | Framework of Agreement (various locations) |
FOA | Form of Authorization |
FOA | Fate of Atlantis (Indiana Jones computer game) |
FOA | Fax of Acceptance (contracts) |
FOA | Field Operating Agency |
FOA | Futures and Options Association |
FOA | Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (Swedish Defence Research Establishment) |
FOA | Friends of Archaeology (various locations) |
FOA | Forward Operational Assessment (US Army) |
FOA | Focus of Attention |
FOA | Festival of Arts |
FOA | Foyers Occupationnels d'Accueil (French: Occupational Health Homes) |
FOA | First Office Application |
FOA | Flèche d'Or Anderlecht (Belgian archery club) |
FOA | Further Oral Assessment (education) |
FOA | Fashion Outlets of America Inc. (Lyndhurst, NJ) |
FOA | Friends of Angelo (loan program) |
FOA | Foot Orthotic Appliance |
FOA | Formula One Administration Ltd. |
FOA | Fiber Optic Adapter |
FOA | Full on Assault |
FOA | Farmers of America |
FOA | Field Operating Activity |
FOA | Formatting Objects Authoring (Java application) |
FOA | Fear of Abandonment (psychology) |
FOA | Fiber Optic Amplifier |
FOA | Florida Orchestra Association |
FOA | Form of Address |
FOA | Friends of Al-Aqsa |
FOA | First Office Acceptance (wireless communications) |
FOA | Forward Operating Agency |
FOA | Friend of Another (anonymous author) |
FOA | Friends of Afghanistan |
FOA | Fiber-Optic Attenuator |
FOA | Front Office Assistant (job title) |
FOA | Front Office Appearance |
FOA | Form of Acceptance |
FOA | Field Operations Assistant |
FOA | Free On Air |
FOA | Forced Oil and Air (cooling power transformer) |
FOA | Federal Odometer Act |
FOA | Failed on Arrival (product defectiveness) |
FOA | Fixed-Object-Attachment (highway safety engineering) |
FOA | Foundation of Annihilation (Counter-Strike gaming clan) |
FOA | Foramen Ovale Apertum |
FOA | Friends of Amtrak |
FOA | Foundation for Outdoor Adventure (Britain) |
FOA | First Over All |
FOA | Failure to Obtain Action |
FOA | Forests Owners' Association (RSA) |
FOA | Friends of the Argonauts (Canada) |
FOA | File Originator's Address |
FOA | Full Operational Assessment |
FOA | Federal Order Administrator (GSA) |
FOA | Fitting-Out Activity/Ability/Availability |
FOA | Friends of Abe |
FOA | Franchise Operating Agreement |
FOA | Forward Operating/Operations Area |
FOA | Friends of Amy Grant |
FOA | Friends of Allonby Canoe Club Liverpool (Liverpool, UK) |
FOA | Force of Alliance (Wolrd of Warcraft guild) |
FOA | Fuzzy Origination Approach |
FOA | Functioning Outer Aspect (Dental) |
FOA | Functional Operational Area |
FOA | Fraternity of Assassins Gaming (gaming guild) |
FOA | Freaks of America |
FOA | Fill on Arrival (prescription fulfillment) |
FOA | Follow-On Acquisition |
FOA | Flight Operations and Analysis |
FOA | Freemans of America (gaming clan) |
FOA | Fresh off the Airplane (Internet slang) |