Acronym | Definition |
HARP | High Adventure Role Playing (role-playing game) |
HARP | Health Administration Responsibility Project |
HARP | High Altitude Research Project (NASA study of the upper atmosphere by instruments shot from a cannon) |
HARP | Home Affordability Refinance Program |
HARP | Harappa Archaeological Research Project (Pakistan) |
HARP | Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor |
HARP | Hypoprebetalipoproteinemia, Acanthocytosis, Retinitis Pigmentosa, and Pallidal Degeneration |
HARP | Heterozygous Ambiguity Resolution Primer |
HARP | High Altitude Release Point |
HARP | Hybrid Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol |
HARP | Health Activities Recommendation Panel |
HARP | Health and Air Research Program |
HARP | Harmonic Phase Imaging (radiology) |
HARP | High-gain Avalanche Rushing Photoconductor (TIA - TV camera device) |
HARP | High Altitude Reconnaissance Platform |
HARP | Historic Aircraft Restoration Projects (Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY) |
HARP | Hackers Against Racist Parties |
HARP | Historical Area Rejuvenation Project |
HARP | Hyperbolic Retarding Potential Analyzer |
HARP | Harrier Action Review Panel |
HARP | High School Association for the Research of Principle |
HARP | Hazard Assessment of Rocket Propellants |
HARP | Humanistic American Religious Party (right-wing non-denominational religious party) |
HARP | Hubble Aberration Recovery Program |
HARP | Holiday Accident Reduction Program (US Marine Corps) |
HARP | Helicopter Advance Readiness Program |
HARP | Hometown Assistance Recruiting Program (US Navy) |
HARP | Hornby Area Ratepayers (Canada) |