HCIHuman-Computer Interaction
HCIHuman Capital Institute
HCIHuman Computer Interface
HCIHyper-Converged Infrastructure (virtual computing)
HCIHwa Chong Institution (Singapore)
HCIHuntsman Cancer Institute
HCIHealth Care Informatics (various organizations)
HCIHealth Communications, Inc (publishing)
HCIHealth Care Industry
HCIHost Controller Interface
HCIHaut Conseil à l'Integration (French: High Council for Integration; est. 1989)
HCIHealth Care International (various locations)
HCIHuman Capital Investment
HCIHealth Care Improvement
HCIHuman Concern International (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
HCIHuman Computer Interaction
HCIHuman Company Integration
HCIHandgun Control, Inc. (est. 1974; formerly National Council to Control Handguns)
HCIHunt Consolidated, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
HCIHuman Capital Index
HCIHealthy Community Initiative (various locations)
HCIHonda Canada, Inc. (cars)
HCIHot Carrier Injection
HCIHamilton Center, Inc. (mental health center; Terre Haute, IN)
HCIHome Computing Initiative (UK government DTI)
HCIHealth Care Insurer
HCIHarmonised Competitiveness Indicator
HCIHyperspectral Imaging
HCIHome City Ice (Cincinnati, OH)
HCIHarrison Career Institute
HCIHighly Charged Ion
HCIHlas Cez Internet (Slovak: Voice over Internet)
HCIHandgun Control, Incorporated
HCIHotel Corporation of India
HCIHealth Care Integrator
HCIHardware Configuration Item
HCIHome Center Institute
HCIHuman Centered Informatics
HCIHansa Chemie International (Switzerland)
HCIHardness Critical Item
HCIHuman Computer International
HCIHydrologic Consultants Inc (Lakewood, CO)
HCIHorizon Crossing Indicator
HCIHighly Coercive Interrogation
HCIHigh Current Interest
HCIHealth Care on the Internet (journal)
HCIHartzog & Crabill Inc. (Tustin, CA traffic and civil engineering)
HCIHost Communications Interface (layer just above the network protocol stack)
HCIHardware Computer Interface
HCIHarmony Careers International
HCIHealthcare Consultants International (Skokie, IL)
HCIHaveman Computer & Internet
HCIHanford Capsule Initiative
HCIHuber Consultants International
HCIHorizontal Center of Impact
HCIHorizontal Contracting Integration
HCIHospitality Consultants, Inc. (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
HCIHorizon Clinicals Infrastructure