FPCIFundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena (Spanish: Foundation for the Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge)
FPCIForo Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas (Spanish: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues)
FPCIFebvre Prophete Chaudronnerie Inox (French: Febvre Prophet Boiler Stainless Steel)
FPCIFood Products Containing Inedibles (survey)
FPCIFirst Philippine Conservation, Inc. (est. 1999)
FPCIFamily Planning Council of Iowa (Des Moines, IA)
FPCIFinancial Planning Consultants, Inc. (Florida)
FPCIFrench for Parents of Children in Immersion (Canada)
FPCIFish Passage Culvert Inspection (Canada)
FPCIFirst Presbyterian Church, Inglewood