Acronym | Definition |
FPE | Fonction Publique d'État (French: State Public Function) |
FPE | Fire Protection Engineering |
FPE | The Few, the Proud, the Emotional (Twenty One Pilots slogan) |
FPE | Floating Point Exception (a computer math error) |
FPE | Format-Preserving Encryption |
FPE | Floating Point Exception |
FPE | Front Page Extension |
FPE | Free Primary Education (Africa) |
FPE | Fire Protection Engineer |
FPE | Food Processing Equipment |
FPE | Fluid Power Equipment (various locations) |
FPE | Final Prediction Error |
FPE | Fédération Patronale et Économique (French: Employers and Economic Federation; Switzerland) |
FPE | Foundation for the Philippine Environment (est. 1992) |
FPE | Few, Proud, Emotional (Twenty-One Pilots) |
FPE | Factor Price Equalization (economics) |
FPE | Fédération Polynésienne d'Equitation (French: Polynesian Equestrian Federation; Tahiti, French Polynesia) |
FPE | Fokker-Planck Equation |
FPE | Foot-Pounds of Energy |
FPE | Fantastic Plastic Elastic (chair by Ron Arad) |
FPE | Facility Performance Evaluation (architecture) |
FPE | Fleischmann Pons Effect |
FPE | Forest Policy and Economics |
FPE | Floating Point Emulator |
FPE | France Production Électronique (French: Electronic Production France) |
FPE | Field Project Engineer (various companies) |
FPE | FrontPage Server Extensions (Microsoft) |
FPE | Federal Pacific Electric Company |
FPE | Federation of Public Employees |
FPE | Functional Program Element (US NASA) |
FPE | Free People of Earth |
FPE | Financial Practice and Education (journal) |
FPE | Floating Point Engine |
FPE | Factions Preview Event (gaming) |
FPE | Focal Plane Electronics |
FPE | Fermented Plant Extract |
FPE | Fonds Perpétuel d'Etudes (EFrench: Perpetual Education Fund) |
FPE | Function Point Estimate (software estimation) |
FPE | First Person Editor |
FPE | French Postural Experiment |
FPE | Front-end Processing Environment |
FPE | Force Protection Experiment |
FPE | Fixed-Price Escalation (Contract) |
FPE | Faith Promoting Experience |
FPE | Fractal Patch Element |
FPE | Flight Parameter Estimation |
FPE | First Priority Enterprise |
FPE | Functional Performance Element |
FPE | Fairport, Painesville, & Eastern Railway Company |
FPE | Fixed Price Exhibit (Montclair State University; Montclair, NJ) |
FPE | Fixed Price Engagement |