Acronym | Definition |
FTA | Free To Air (satellite broadcast) |
FTA | Free-to-air (free television) |
FTA | Federal Transit Administration (US government) |
FTA | Free-Trade Agreement |
FTA | Free Trade Area |
FTA | Fortuna (Amtrak station code; Fortuna, CA) |
FTA | Free Throws Attempted (basketball) |
FTA | Failure to Acquire (biometrics) |
FTA | Freight Transport Association (UK) |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
FTA | Free to Advertise |
FTA | Festival Transamériques (Canadian festival) |
FTA | Foreign Trade Act (various locations) |
FTA | Failure To Appear (in court) |
FTA | From the Article |
FTA | Feed the Addiction |
FTA | First Trust Advisors LP (Wheaton, IL) |
FTA | Free Trade Alliance (gaming) |
FTA | Federation of Tax Administrators (IRS) |
FTA | Forum on Tax Administration (various organizations) |
FTA | Federal Transit Authority |
FTA | Flexographic Technical Association |
FTA | Fan Tray Assembly |
FTA | Free Trade Agreement |
FTA | Free to Air |
FTA | Future Teachers of America |
FTA | Florida Trail Association (Gainesville, FL) |
FTA | Fire Training Academy (various locations) |
FTA | Foreign Trade Association |
FTA | Fund Transfer Agreement (California) |
FTA | Fine-Tuning Argument |
FTA | Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 |
FTA | Forgive Them All |
FTA | For the Alliance (World of Warcraft) |
FTA | Fluides Techniques Applications (French: Fluids Technical Applications) |
FTA | Full Type Approval |
FTA | Fault Tolerant Architecture (software) |
FTA | Free The Army |
FTA | Fundamental Theorem of Algebra |
FTA | French Tax Authority |
FTA | Fringe Theatre Adventures (Edmonton, Canada) |
FTA | First Time Applicant (various organizations) |
FTA | Face Threatening Act (politeness theory) |
FTA | Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAA) |
FTA | First Technical Advisor (various organizations) |
FTA | For the Awesome |
FTA | For the Art Clothing (Philadelphia, PA) |
FTA | Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic |
FTA | Flexible Packaging Association |
FTA | Florida Trucking Association |
FTA | Fun, Travel, and Adventure |
FTA | File Transfer Appliance |
FTA | Fair Trials Abroad (legal rights; various locations) |
FTA | Francs Tireurs Artésiens (French archery organization) |
FTA | Failed to Arrive (shipping) |
FTA | Ferrapie Transport Affrètement (French cleaning company) |
FTA | Fair Trade Authority (online safety network) |
FTA | Failure Tree Analysis |
FTA | First Term Airmen |
FTA | Flowline Termination Assembly |
FTA | Free Tools Association |
FTA | Floptical Technology Association |
FTA | Failure to Adapt |
FTA | Fondos de Titulización de Activos (Spanish) |
FTA | Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies |
FTA | Financial Times Actuaries |
FTA | Fraunhofer Technology Academy (Germany) |
FTA | Formation Technical Authority (Canada) |
FTA | Field Terminal Assembly |
FTA | Floatation Tank Association (UK) |
FTA | Functional Tolerancing and Annotation |
FTA | Financial Training Associates |
FTA | Flight Test Associates Inc (Mojave, CA) |
FTA | Florida Theatrical Association |
FTA | Federazione del Terziario Avanzato (Italy) |
FTA | Flight To America (military) |
FTA | Fork Truck Association |
FTA | Fraternity Trade Association |
FTA | Follow The Airborne |
FTA | Failure Trend Analysis |
FTA | Free The Animals |
FTA | Facility TEMPEST Assessment |
FTA | Fluorescent Treponema Absorption (test for syphilis) |
FTA | Failure to Authenticate |
FTA | Flying Tippler Association of America |
FTA | Florida Transportation Association, Inc. |
FTA | Film and Television Archives (UCLA) |
FTA | Functional Test Assembly |
FTA | Foreign Telecommunication Administration |
FTA | Firearms Training Associates, Inc. |
FTA | Fast Time Analyzer/Analysis |
FTA | Fast-Twich A |
FTA | Free Thinkers of America |
FTA | Field Technical Authority |
FTA | Finest Training Available (military) |
FTA | Foris Tui Animus (Opening Your Soul; band) |
FTA | Fractal Tree Antenna |
FTA | Future Tailgaters of America (various user sites) |
FTA | Fixed-Term Assignment |
FTA | Full Test Approval |