ARISAmerican Religious Identification Survey
ARISArabic and Islamic Studies (various schools)
ARISAdvanced Reagent Injector System
ARISAggregate Route Ip Switching
ARISArchitecture of Integrated Information Systems
ARISActive Rack Isolation System
ARISAdaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar
ARISAggregate Route-based IP Switching
ARISAnti Resonance Isolation System (helicopters)
ARISAnti-Racism Information Service (Switzerland)
ARISAgentia Romana pentru Investitii Straine (Romanian Agency for Foreign Investment)
ARISAttack Registry Intelligence Service (
ARISAcademic Research Information System
ARISAdvanced Range Instrumentation Ship
ARISAudichron Recorded Information System
ARISAdvanced Radioisotope Identification System
ARISAccess Request Information System
ARISAdvanced Ranger Instrumentation Ship
ARISAutomated Reactor Inspection System
ARISAutomatic Recording Infrared Spectrometer
ARISAtmospheric Research and Instrumentation System
ARISActivity Reporting Information System
ARISAgrarian Russian Information System (Russian Ministry of Agriculture)
ARISAccess Rating and Information Systems, Inc (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)