ISHInternational Society of Hypertension (est. 1966; UK)
ISHIn Situ Hybridization
ISHIrish Sport Horse
ISHImproved Sanitation and Hygiene
ISHInsert Sarcasm Here (Internet slang)
ISHInternational School of the Hague (Netherlands)
ISHIsolated Systolic Hypertension
ISHInformation Superhighway
ISHIn-Situ Hybridisierung (molecular biology)
ISHInternational Superhits (Green Day album)
ISHIntermediate System Hello
ISHInformation Super Highway
ISHIan Schrager Hotels (New York, NY)
ISHInternational Society of Hypnosis
ISHIt Surely Helped
ISHImage Scan Holdings (UK)
ISHIndustry Super Holdings (Australia)
ISHInner Self-Helper (psychology)
ISHInteractive Search Holdings, Inc.
ISHInternal Self Helper
ISHInternational Sanitation and Heating (trade show)
ISHIntegrated Service Hub (Sprint)
ISHIndustrial Safety and Health Program Services
ISHInterim Scout Helicopter
ISHInstitute for the Study of Health (Ohio)
ISHInstituti I Studimeve Hidroteknike (Albanian: Institute of Hydrotechnichal Studies & Design)