GPIGlobal Peace Index
GPIGenuine Progress Indicator
GPIGlycosyl Phosphatidylinositol
GPIGlucose-6-Phosphate Isomerase
GPIGlass Packaging Institute
GPIGeneral Physics Institute (Russia)
GPIGraphics Programming Interface
GPIGlobal Personal Identifier
GPIGlobal Policy Institute (London, UK)
GPIGeneral Purpose Interface
GPIGeneral Purpose Input
GPIGlobal Peace Initiative
GPIGreenpeace International
GPIGirls' Power Initiative (Nigeria)
GPIGlobus Pallidus Internus
GPIGlycoprotein Inhibitor
GPIGeneral Parts, Inc. (various locations)
GPIGrains Per Inch (arrow construction)
GPIGontermann-Peipers India
GPIGreen Press Initiative
GPIGlobal Products, Inc. (various locations)
GPIGeneral Paralysis of the Insane
GPIGraphic Publications, Inc. (Ohio)
GPIGOES Precipitation Index
GPIGeneric Product Identifier
GPIGeneral Pay Increase
GPIGeneric Product Indicator (drugs)
GPIGreat Plains Industries, Inc (Wichita, Kansas)
GPIGlobal Price Increase
GPIGas Puff Imaging
GPIGeneral Printing Ink
GPIGround Position Indicator
GPIGimbal Postion Indicator
GPIGlide Path Indicator (helipad lighting system)
GPIGran Prix Imports (cars)
GPIGeneralized Policy Iteration
GPIGround Point of Intercept
GPIGlobal Precipitation Index
GPIGruppo Partecipazioni Industriali (Italian joint stock company)
GPIGroupement de Promotion Intégrale (French)
GPIGraphical Programming Interface
GPIGlobal Partners Inc (Philippines)
GPIGail Pittman, Inc. (Ridgeland, MS)
GPIGovernment Preliminary Inspection
GPIGround Point Intercept
GPIGallons Per Inch
GPIGeneric Protocol Interface
GPIGlobal Patent Information
GPIGuidance Performance Indicator (web metrics)
GPIGeneral Programming Interface (computer programming)
GPIGerakan Pramuka Indonesia (Indonesian Scout Movement)
GPIGlobal Positioning Instrument (aka GPS)
GPIGlobal Procurement Information
GPIGroup Priority Inversion
GPIGroup Presence Indicator
GPIGas and Power Investment (Japan)
GPIGuide des Procédures de d’Immigration (Canada)
GPIGasket & Packings, Inc. (Borger, Texas)
GPIKalispell, Montana, USA - Glacier Park International Airport
GPIGovernment Provided Information
GPIGordon Point Informatics Ltd. (Canada)