FOEFriends Of the Earth
FOEFoundations of Excellence
FOEFreedom of Establishment (EU)
FOEFraternal Order of Eagles
FOEFreedom of Expression
FOEFrontiers of Engineering (symposium)
FOEFriends of English (English Conversation Club; South Korea)
FOEFocus on Energy (Wisconsin)
FOEFall of Empires (game)
FOEFederal Office of Energy (Switzerland)
FOEForge of Empires (video game)
FOEFlight Operations Engineer
FOEFriends or Enemies (music)
FOEFiber Optic Extender
FOEFaculty of Engineering
FOEFaculty of Education
FOEFestival de l'Outaouais Émergent (Canadian arts festival)
FOEFamily Owned Enterprise
FOEFriends of Europe
FOEFixed Operating Equipment (infrastructure)
FOEFocus of Expansion (optics)
FOEFirm Order Exception
FOEFriends of Environment (Society; Jordan)
FOEFat Oljeekvivalenter (Norwegian: Barrel of Oil Equivalent)
FOEFamily Over Everything (band)
FOEForeign Object Elimination (Northrop-Grumman and Boeing assembly line usage)
FOEFollow-On Evaluation
FOETopeka, KS, USA - Forbes Field (Airport Code)
FOEForwarding Order Expired
FOEFrequency-Offset Estimator
FOEFact of Employment
FOEForsvarets Etterretningstjeneste (Norwegian military intelligence agency)
FOEFiber Optics Equipment
FOEFollow-On Element
FOEFollow-On Equipment
FOEFinal Operational Evaluation
FOEFriends of Eveleigh
FOEFreakin' Operator Error (polite version)
FOEField/Follow-On Operational Evaluation
FOEAssociation for Friends of Environment in Alexandria (Egypt)
FOEFat Opposite the Ribeye
FOEFleet of Eden (RPG)