GPMGallons Per Minute
GPMGet Physical Music (record label)
GPMGesellschaft für Projektmanagement
GPMGraduated Payment Mortgage
GPMGreen Project Management (est. 2010)
GPMGeneral Purpose Mouse
GPMGeneral Purpose Mouse Interface
GPMGroup Policy Management
GPMGroup Program Manager (various organizations)
GPMGlobal Precipitation Measurement
GPMGross Profit Margin
GPMGeneral Plan Map (various locations)
GPMGallons Per Mile
GPMGrant Policy Manual (NSF)
GPMGlobal Priority Mail (US Postal Service)
GPMGlobal Portfolio Management (various organizations)
GPMGallant Precision Machining Co. Ltd. (Taiwan)
GPMGlobal Process Model
GPMGeneral Purpose Microprocessor
GPMGUI (Graphical User Interface) Package Manager (programming)
GPMGardens Point Modula (complier; Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia)
GPMGlobal Power Manager
GPMGlobal Performance Monitor (software; various companies)
GPMGrams Per Minute
GPMGlobal Peace Movement
GPMGround Precautionary Message
GPMGöttinger Predigtmeditationen (German)
GPMGrand Prix de la Montagne (bicycle road racing)
GPMGroup Portfolio Manager (banking)
GPMGlobal Product Management
GPMGovernment Program Manager
GPMGeneralized Perturbation Method
GPMGeneral Page Message
GPMGlobal Process Management
GPMGovernment Process Management (Appian)
GPMGeneral Processing Module
GPMGross Product Margin
GPMGroup Practice Model (insurance)
GPMGas Processing and Marketing
GPMGeneral Purpose Message
GPMGeneralized Pauli Matrix
GPMGuidance & Policy Memorandum
GPMGeometrically Progressive Matrix/Matrices
GPMGreen Party of Michigan
GPMGauss Probability Method
GPMGospel Partners Movement