HELHome Equity Loan
HELHigh-Energy Laser
HELHelaman (Book of Mormon)
HELHigh Energy Laser
HELHen Egg Lysozyme
HELHighly Erodible Land (USDA and National Resources and Conservation Service)
HELHeader Extension Length (ATMF)
HELHutchison Essar Ltd. (now Vodafone Essar; India)
HELHet Echte Leven (Dutch: In Real Life)
HELHardware Emulation Layer
HELMiasto Hel (Poland)
HELHarvard Education Letter (newsletter)
HELHuman Engineering Laboratory (US Army)
HELHelsinki, Finland - Helsinki (Airport Code)
HELHuman Engineering Lab (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD)
HELHells Elite Legions (gaming)
HELHuman Embryonic Lung Cell (biology)
HELHigh Energy Laboratory
HELHighest-Expected Loss
HELHomogeneous Enhancing Lesion