Acronym | Definition |
GWS | Greater Western Sydney (Sydney, Australia) |
GWS | Gulf War Syndrome (see also PGS) |
GWS | George Wright Society (est. 1980) |
GWS | Gigabit Workgroup Switch |
GWS | Global Warranty System |
GWS | Graphics Workstation |
GWS | Gateways |
GWS | Global Web Services |
GWS | Groupware Server |
GWS | Global Wireless Solutions |
GWS | General Web Services |
GWS | Great White Shark |
GWS | Georgia Watercolor Society |
GWS | Get Well Soon |
GWS | Goods, Works and Services (various locations) |
GWS | Google Web Server |
GWS | Goes Without Saying |
GWS | Gun Weapon System |
GWS | General Web Service |
GWS | Great War Society (UK) |
GWS | Guided Weapon System |
GWS | Game Winning Shot (hockey) |
GWS | GroupWare Server (DMS/FAMIS applications) |
GWS | Gateway Switch |
GWS | Groove Web Services (computing) |
GWS | Grown without Shell (seeds) |
GWS | Gateway Screening |
GWS | Great Western Steamship Company |
GWS | Graphic Work Station |
GWS | Global Waste Survey |
GWS | General War Subsystem |
GWS | Gaseous Waste System |
GWS | General Welding Specification |
GWS | Groundwater Well Services |
GWS | Gunfire Weapons System |
GWS | Global Weather Service |
GWS | General Welding Standard |
GWS | Genesee Wind Symphony (Flint, MI) |
GWS | Global Wireless Solution, Inc. (New Berlin, WI) |
GWS | Grainger Wind Symphony |
GWS | Gandhi Weaving Society |
GWS | Geneva Convention for the Wounded & Sick |