Acronym | Definition |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level |
FPL | Forest Products Laboratory (USDA Forest Service) |
FPL | Florida Power and Light |
FPL | Framingham Public Library (Framingham, MA) |
FPL | Fullerton Public Library (California) |
FPL | Fayetteville Public Library (Fayetteville, AR) |
FPL | Field Programmable Logic |
FPL | Flight Plan |
FPL | File Path List |
FPL | File Parameter List |
FPL | Floating Point Library |
FPL | Front Panel |
FPL | Free Public License |
FPL | Forum Proxy Leecher (software) |
FPL | Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Larache (French: Larache Polydisciplinary School; Larache, Morocco) |
FPL | Flint Public Library (Flint, Michigan) |
FPL | Functional Programming Language |
FPL | Fuerzas Populares de Liberación (El Salvador) |
FPL | Flexor Pollicis Longus |
FPL | Filed Flight Plan |
FPL | Full Performance Level |
FPL | Federal Perkins Loan (US Department of Education) |
FPL | Forum des Peuples en Lutte (French: Forum of People's Struggle; Canada) |
FPL | Freedom Public Library (Freedom, NH) |
FPL | Fixed Price List (book and coin dealers) |
FPL | Final Protective Line |
FPL | Feline Panleukopenia (Virus) |
FPL | FIX (Financial Information Exchange) Protocol Limited (UK) |
FPL | Fairhope Public Library (Fairhope, AL) |
FPL | Facing Point Lock |
FPL | Ferro Pfanstiehl Laboratories (Mayfield Heights, OH) |
FPL | Fantasy Premier League (fantasy soccer) |
FPL | Full Power Level |
FPL | Fire-Power Limited (UL rating for fire alarm wire) |
FPL | Fantasy Powers League |
FPL | Forced Preferential Looking (ophthalmology) |
FPL | Face Pumped Laser |
FPL | Familles Populaires à Lourdes (French: Popular Family in Lourdes; Lourdes, Belgium) |
FPL | Foobar Playlist (Foobar 2000 file format) |
FPL | Flood Protection Landform (Canada) |
FPL | Federated Pipelines Ltd |
FPL | Family Protection League |
FPL | Forte Pakistan Ltd. |