Acronym | Definition |
HRR | Henley Royal Regatta (England) |
HRR | Heat Release Rate |
HRR | Heart Rate Reserve |
HRR | High Range Resolution |
HRR | Homologous Recombination Repair (DNA) |
HRR | Heart Rate Recovery |
HRR | Hospital Referral Region (various states) |
HRR | Human Rights Report (Association of On-line Press Editors) |
HRR | Home Residency Requirement (US INS) |
HRR | Health-Related Research |
HRR | Human Resource Representative |
HRR | Household Response Rate (health surveys) |
HRR | High-Resolution Radar |
HRR | Hierarchical Round Robin |
HRR | High Resolution Radar |
HRR | Hardy-Rand-Rittler (color plates used in ophthalmology) |
HRR | Humanitarian Response Review |
HRR | Head Rice Recovery |
HRR | Hockey Related Revenues |
HRR | Human Research Roadmap (US NASA) |
HRR | Harmonic Rejection Ratio |
HRR | Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung (German: Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court) |
HRR | High Resolution Resistivity (geophysical exploration and characterization method) |
HRR | High Ridge Resources (exploration; various locations) |
HRR | High Ramp Rate |
HRR | High Risk Records |
HRR | Human Race's Run (band) |
HRR | Health Readiness Record (US DoD) |
HRR | Horizontal Refresh Rate |
HRR | Helicopter Rapid Refueling Procedures |
HRR | Health Risk Review |
HRR | High Risk Requirement |
HRR | Heilig Rooms Rijk (Dutch: Holy Roman Empire) |