GAIGraphic Arts Institute (various locations)
GAIGuaranteed Annual Income
GAIGross Annual Income
GAIGeneral Applet Interface
GAIGiustizia e Affari Interni (Italian)
GAIGeneral Artificial Intelligence
GAIGerman Archaeological Institute
GAIGuild of Architectural Ironmongers
GAIGlobal-Tech Appliances Inc
GAIGreat American Insurance
GAIGlobal Atmospherics Inc
GAIGeneral Ability Index
GAIGermanic-American Institute
GAIGeophysical Association of Ireland
GAIGlutaric Aciduria Type I (disorder)
GAIGeneral Aircraft Information
GAIGrease, Aircraft, and Instruments
GAIGimbal Angle Indicator
GAIGlobal Authentication Incorporated
GAIGeneral Accounting Instructions
GAIGPETE Auxiliary Item
GAIMontgomery Co. Gaithersburg, MD (airport code)
GAIGlobal Assistance, Inc.
GAIGosudarstvennaja Avtomobilnaja Inspekstija (Soviet/Russian Traffic Police)