GAIAGlobal Action in the Interest of Animals (Brussels, Belgium)
GAIAGlobal Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics (European Space Agency)
GAIAGrantley Adams International Airport (Barbados)
GAIAGlobal Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
GAIAGestion Académique Informatisée des Actions de Formation (French: Academic Management of Computerized Training Actions; Ministry of National Education)
GAIAGlobal AIDS Interfaith Alliance
GAIAGlobal Anti-Incinerator Alliance
GAIAGame Angling Instructors' Association (UK)
GAIAGraphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
GAIAGeneric Architecture for Information Availability
GAIAGraphic Arts Industries Association (Canada)
GAIAGUI Application Interoperability Architecture
GAIAGlobal Alliance for Interfaith Action (global nonprofit initiative)