GAiNGlobal Aid Network (Campus Crusade for Christ)
GAiNGlobal Alliance for Improved Nutrition
GAiNGlobal Agricultural Information Network (USDA)
GAiNGreater Avenues for Independence (Welfare to Work Program)
GAiNGreat Ape Information Network (National Institute of Genetics; Japan)
GAiNGraphic Arts Information Network
GAiNGreater Avenues to Independence
GAiNGator Advertising and Information Network
GAiNGerman Advanced Integrated Network
GAiNGreenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors (Seattle, WA)
GAiNGlobal Auditing Information Network
GAiNGippsland Aquaculture Industry Network Inc
GAiNGlobal Airline Inventory Network (Boeing)
GAiNGlobal Analysis Information Network
GAiNGelbvieh Association in Nebraska
GAiNGlobal Automation Information Network
GAiNGalley Insert Equipment
GAiNGetting Arizona Interested in Neighborhoods
GAiNGlobal Advanced Intelligent Networking (Sprint)
GAiNGovernment Accountability & Information Network