Acronym | Definition |
GTB | Gran Turismo Berlinetta |
GTB | Google Tool Bar |
GTB | Guaranty Trust Bank (Nigeria) |
GTB | Global Transaction Banking |
GTB | Grand Traverse Band (of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians; Michigan) |
GTB | Great Tythe Barn (UK) |
GTB | Gestion Technique du Bâtiment (French: Technical Management of Buildings) |
GTB | Global Trust Bank |
GTB | Ghana Tourist Board |
GTB | Go To Bed |
GTB | General Terms of Business |
GTB | Greg the Bunny (TV show) |
GTB | Globally Threatened Bird |
GTB | Gay Teen Boys (band) |
GTB | Gangwon Television Broadcasting (South Korea) |
GTB | Global Telecom Brokers (This is the nick name for the company) |
GTB | Ground Turn Back (aviation) |
GTB | Grow the Business |
GTB | Golden Thief Bug (Ragnarok) |
GTB | Gran Tourismo Berlinetta (Ferrari) |
GTB | Ground Training Branch |
GTB | Good Time Boys (movie) |
GTB | Groupe de Travail Bruxelles 1952 |
GTB | Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux (French: Grand Theatre of Bordeaux; Bordeaux, France) |
GTB | General Tool Box |
GTB | Going To the Bathroom |
GTB | Grand Tourer Bilstein (Subaru Legacy model) |
GTB | Guilderland Town Band (Guilderland, NY) |
GTB | Greater Trochanteric Bursitis (medical disorder) |
GTB | Grid Toolbox (IBM) |
GTB | Greater-The-Better (principle) |
GTB | Guidance Telemetry Building |
GTB | Galactic Terran Bomber (gaming, Descent: Freespace) |
GTB | Gas Turbine Bulletin (mechanics) |
GTB | Giant Tiger Boutique (Canadian discount store) |