Acronym | Definition |
GTC | General Teaching Council (UK) |
GTC | Gateway Technical College (Wisconsin) |
GTC | Game Time Card (gaming) |
GTC | Gran Telescopio Canarias |
GTC | Gateway to College (various locations) |
GTC | Garmin Training Center (software; various locations) |
GTC | Good 'Til Canceled |
GTC | Good 'Til Cancelled (eBay selling method) |
GTC | Global Trees Campaign (UK) |
GTC | Gt Convertible |
GTC | Gran Turismo Compact |
GTC | Grand Touring Car |
GTC | Generic Token Card |
GTC | Group Training Coordinator |
GTC | Gran Turismo Coupe |
GTC | Gran Turismo Competizione |
GTC | Greenville Technical College (Greenville, SC) |
GTC | Gwinnett Technical College (Lawrenceville, GA) |
GTC | Glad Tidings Church (various locations) |
GTC | Going to Conceive (pregnancy chat) |
GTC | General Tribal Council (Oneida Tribe) |
GTC | Generic Token Card (computers) |
GTC | Georgia Theatre Company (St. Simons Island, GA) |
GTC | Global Touring Challenge (gaming) |
GTC | Great Trail Council (scouting; Akron, OH) |
GTC | Gestion Technique Centralisée (Industrial technology) |
GTC | Greenville Track Club (South Carolina) |
GTC | Government Technology Conference |
GTC | Gamtos Tyrimu Centras (Lithuanian governmental research institute) |
GTC | Greening the Cleaning (Hackensack University Medical Center; New Jersey) |
GTC | Government Travel Card |
GTC | Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures |
GTC | Green Tea Catechins |
GTC | George Town Council (Australia) |
GTC | Gas Technology Center (Norway) |
GTC | Griffin Technical College (Griffin, Georgia, USA) |
GTC | Good 'til Cancel (online marketing) |
GTC | Gas Turbine Compressor |
GTC | Guanidinium Isothiocyanate |
GTC | Gwich'in Tribal Council (Canada) |
GTC | Global Telecommunications Conference |
GTC | Great Canary Telescope (Tenerife, Canary Islands) |
GTC | Gopher Tortoise Council |
GTC | Global Trust Council (Sweden) |
GTC | Grains Trade Convention |
GTC | General Therapeutic Class (healthcare code) |
GTC | Gain Time Control |
GTC | General Terms and Condition |
GTC | GPON Transmission Convergence (GPON = Gigabit Passive Optical Network) |
GTC | Government Trading Corporation of Iran |
GTC | Guards Tank Corps |
GTC | Grand Turismo Concept (PS2 game) |
GTC | Gibraltar Trade Center (Mount Clemens, MI) |
GTC | Global Tomorrow Coalition (Washington, DC) |
GTC | Ground Tactical Commander |
GTC | Group Technologies Corporation |
GTC | Grand Tour Cluster |
GTC | Global Traders Conference |
GTC | Georgian Trade Center (Tbilisi, Georgia) |
GTC | General Trias, Cavite (Philippines) |
GTC | General Tenders Committee |
GTC | Gran Turismo Competizione (Ferrari) |
GTC | Geologic Testing Consultants (Houston, TX) |
GTC | Gaelic Tugboat Company |
GTC | Gas Turbine Change |
GTC | Greenhouse Gas Technology Center |
GTC | Goulburn Teachers' College (Australia) |
GTC | Golf Talk Central (National Broadcasting Company) |
GTC | Grav-Tech Canada |
GTC | Gradual Transition Coating |
GTC | Graduate Technology Coordinator |
GTC | Global Trade Control |