GEMGateway to Educational Materials
GEMGrowth Enterprise Market
GEMGlobal Entrepreneurship Monitor
GEMGreen-Eyed Monster (various meanings)
GEMGreater Europe Mission (Monument, CO)
GEMGenetically Engineered Mouse
GEMGeriatric Emergency Medicine
GEMGender Empowerment Measure (UN)
GEMGrowing Equity Mortgage (loans)
GEMGeriatric Emergency Management (Canada)
GEMGlobal Earthquake Model (est. 2006)
GEMGlobal Education Motivators
GEMGenetic and Evolutionary Methods (conference)
GEMGlobal Economic Monitor (World Bank)
GEMGlobal Equity Market
GEMGlobal Enterprise Manager
GEMGrain Equalization and Management
GEMGeneral Entity Manipulator
GEMGlobal Electric Motorcars
GEMGeneralized Executive for Realtime Multiprocessor
GEMGraphic Engineering Machine
GEMGigabit Ethernet Module
GEMGlobal E-Management
GEMGraphics Expression Machine
GEMGlobus Executable Management
GEMGovernment e-Market Place (India)
GEMGlycosphingolipid-Enriched Microdomains
GEMGrenoble Ecole de Management (French: Grenoble School of Management)
GEMGlobal Egyptian Museum (virtual museum)
GEMGlobal Environmental Multiscale Model
GEMGraphics Environment Manager
GEMGlobally Executable MHP
GEMGlobal Environment Monitoring (EU)
GEMGerman Equatorial Mount (telescope support structure)
GEMGillett Evernham Motorsports (now Richard Petty Motosports)
GEMGeneral Equilibrium Model
GEMGlobal Electric Motorcar
GEMGlobal Emerging Market
GEMGeriatric Evaluation & Management
GEMGuidance Enhanced Missile
GEMGeneric Equipment Model
GEMGlobal Energy Marketplace
GEMGlobal Express Mail (USPS)
GEMGlobal Education Mission (est. 1995)
GEMGrey Eagle Mine (California)
GEMGeneric Electronic Module (Ford)
GEMGrupo de Educación Popular con Mujeres (Spanish: Education Group Popular with Women)
GEMGround Effect Machine
GEMGPON Encapsulation Method
GEMGuild of Experienced Motorists (now GEM Motoring Assist; UK)
GEMThe Group for Education in Museums
GEMGas Electron Multiplier (nuclear physics)
GEMGraphite Epoxy Motor
GEMGuideline Elements Model (XML-based guideline document model)
GEMGroundwater Education in Michigan
GEMGraduate Entry Medicine
GEMGeneralized Emulation of Microcircuits
GEMGulf Ecosystem Monitoring
GEMGlobal Evangelization Movement
GEMGenetically Engineered Microorganism
GEMGeneral Ecosystem Model
GEMGalactic Emission Mapping
GEMGender-Equitable Man (scale)
GEMGoddard Earth Model
GEMGround Enhancement Material (Erico)
GEMGenerating Medicare Physician Quality Performance Measurement Results (Medicare; US DHHS)
GEMGeneralized Event Monitoring
GEMGroupe d'Étude de la Main
GEMGeneration of Weather Elements for Multiple Applications
GEMGPS Embedded Module (Rockwell Collins)
GEMGIG (Global Information Grid) Enterprise Management (US DoD Architectural Vision)
GEMGovernment, Education and Major Accounts
GEMGreynet Enterprise Manager (software)
GEMGlobal Edu-Tech Management Group (North Barrington, IL)
GEMGeneral Elective Module
GEMGrupo Educativo Marin (Marin Educational Group)
GEMGreat Engineering Methodology
GEMGraduate Engineering Management
GEMGenerable Enigmatic Matrix (My-Otome anime and manga)
GEMGlobal Engagement Manager (software in the Missile Defense Agency C2BMC element)
GEMGround Electronics Maintenance
GEMGraphical Evaluation Module
GEMGive Early Money
GEMGibbs Energy Minimisation
GEMGovernment Electronic Mall (GSA)
GEMGifted Education in Mathematics
GEMGlobal Enterprise Management of Storage
GEMGlobal Education Multimedia
GEMGeneral Electric Metallized lamp (1904)
GEMGun Effectiveness Model
GEMGeneral Environmental Message
GEMNational Consortium for Graduate Engineering Degrees for Minorities
GEMGalloway Enrichment Model (New Jersey)
GEMGeneric Equipment Module
GEMGeorgia Enriches Minds
GEMGamma, Electron and Muon Detector
GEMGround Equipment Model
GEMGlobal Electronics Modification
GEMGlobal Execution Manager
GEMGeneral Executive Memo
GEMGiant Antennal Mechanoreceptor
GEMGuidance Evaluation Model
GEMGoal Editor Module