GTFGlucose Tolerance Factor
GTFGeorge Town Festival (Penang, Malaysia)
GTFGeneral Transcription Factor
GTFGlobal Taekwon-Do Federation (Ontario, Canada)
GTFGeneral Timing Formula
GTFGeneralized Trace Facility
GTFGraduate Theological Foundation (Mishawaka, IN)
GTFGeared Turbo Fan (aircraft engines)
GTFGaussian-Type (Wave) Function
GTFGas Tax Fund (Canada)
GTFGeneralized Timing Formula
GTFGang Task Force
GTFGraphic Thought Facility (London, England, UK)
GTFGender Task Force (various organizations)
GTFGeorgia Transplant Foundation
GTFGraduate Teaching Fellow
GTFGlobal Technology Finance (Newport Beach, CA)
GTFGrupo de Tecnologías Fotónicas (Spanish: Photonic Technologies Group)
GTFGrace Thru Faith (Christian church)
GTFGalactic Trade Federation (fictional, Star Wars)
GTFGovernment Task Force (various locations)
GTFGraffiti Task Force (various locations)
GTFGift Transmittal Form (various organizations)
GTFGeneralized Timing Format
GTFGlobal Template File (MS Word)
GTFGeoff Thomas Foundation (UK)
GTFGreat Falls, MT, USA - Great Falls International (Airport Code)
GTFGesellschaft für Technikgenese-Forschung eV (Berlin, Germany)
GTFGeneric Test Framework
GTFGeneralized Transfer Function
GTFGay Teen Forum
GTFGPL'ed TLA FAQ (list of 3-letter abbreviations)
GTFGravity Tool Face
GTFGlobal Tae-Kwon-Do Federation
GTFGrout Treatment Facility
GTFGround Test Facility
GTFGran Turismo Forum
GTFGilder Technology Forum
GTFGet to France (polite)
GTFGWEN Training Facility
GTFGood Times and Friends (gaming clan)
GTFGuidance Test Fixture
GTFGround Tactical Force
GTFGoshen Timber Frames (Franklin, NC)