Acronym | Definition |
ISI | Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan) |
ISI | Institute for Scientific Information |
ISI | International Statistical Institute |
ISI | Information Sciences Institute (at USC) |
ISI | Intelligence and Security Informatics (Conference) |
ISI | Inter-Symbol Interference (SONET) |
ISI | Ice Skating Institute (Dallas, Texas) |
ISI | Islamic State of Iraq (est. 2006) |
ISI | Intercollegiate Studies Institute (est. 1953) |
ISI | Insurance Services, Inc. (various locations) |
ISI | Indian Statistical Institute |
ISI | International Students, Inc. |
ISI | Important Safety Information (various companies) |
ISI | Interstimulus Interval |
ISI | Inspection Services, Inc. (various locations) |
ISI | Inter Service Intelligence (Pakistan) |
ISI | Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (various locations) |
ISI | Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection |
ISI | International Sensitivity Index |
ISI | International Standard Industrial (UN) |
ISI | Iron Sharpens Iron (religious gaming clan) |
ISI | Institute for Social Innovation (various locations) |
ISI | in Service Inspection |
ISI | Intelligent Stick Interface |
ISI | Image Station Imager |
ISI | Inter Symbol Interference |
ISI | Integral Systems Incorporated |
ISI | Interspike Interval |
ISI | Import Substitution Industrialization |
ISI | Interactive Software, Inc. (Dallas, TX) |
ISI | Informing Science Institute (Santa Rosa, CA) |
ISI | In Service Inspection(s) |
ISI | Insulin Sensitivity Index |
ISI | Inspection Services International (various locations) |
ISI | Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (Germany) |
ISI | Integrated Services Internet (IETF) |
ISI | Integral Systems Inc. |
ISI | Iron and Steel Institute |
ISI | Indian Social Institute (New Delhi, India) |
ISI | Information Sharing Index (database; UK) |
ISI | Information Security Institute (John Hopkins University) |
ISI | Information Society Initiative |
ISI | Institut Supérieur d'Informatique (Montréal) |
ISI | Instructional Systems, Inc. (New Jersey) |
ISI | Information Systems Integration |
ISI | International Systems Institute |
ISI | Intelligent Solutions, Inc. |
ISI | Ithaca Stringed Instruments (Trumansburg, NY) |
ISI | Innovative Solutions International |
ISI | Inter State Intelligence |
ISI | Information Sharing Initiative (US Federal Bureau of Investigation) |
ISI | Inspection Speciale des Impots (Belgian) |
ISI | Internally Specified Index |
ISI | Integrated Sourcing Initiative |
ISI | Indonesian Survey Institute |
ISI | Intelligent Serial Interface |
ISI | Information Systems & Infrastructure |
ISI | Information Spectrum, Inc. |
ISI | Indian Standards Institute |
ISI | Informal Science Institution |
ISI | Information Systems Inventory (US EPA) |
ISI | International Sedimentation Initiative |
ISI | Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Informations (French) |
ISI | In Span Interconnect |
ISI | Ice Skating International |
ISI | Industrial Safety Integration |
ISI | Intec Systems Institute (Japan) |
ISI | In School Isolation |
ISI | Industry Support Interface |
ISI | International Students Institute (Japan) |
ISI | International School Ibadan (Nigeria) |
ISI | Indigenous Survival International (Canada) |
ISI | Institute for School Improvement (Missouri State University) |
ISI | Integrated Storage Investigations |
ISI | Information Services Interface |
ISI | International Sale Indicator (airlines) |
ISI | Interim Support Items |
ISI | Information Sharing Infrastructure |
ISI | Independent Solutions Inc. |
ISI | Inquiry Scan Interval |
ISI | Instrument/Spacecraft Interface |
ISI | Industrial Safety Instructions |
ISI | Inlet Spray Intercooling (gas turbine engines) |
ISI | Information System Instrument |
ISI | Initiation aux Sciences Informatiques |
ISI | Inter-Service Institution (Indian Armed Forces) |
ISI | Invisible Streams Incorporated |
ISI | Industrial Steel Inc. (various locations) |
ISI | Internal Special Investigations Office |
ISI | International Systems Integration |
ISI | Integrated Services Infrastructure |
ISI | Integrated Serial Infrared |
ISI | Initial Stockage Items |
ISI | International Synergy Institute (Baltimore, MD) |
ISI | Initial Support Increment |
ISI | Imagesolutions, Inc. |