Acronym | Definition |
ILCS | Illinois Compiled Statutes |
ILCS | Iraq Living Conditions Survey (UN Development Programme for Iraq) |
ILCS | Institute of Language and Cultural Studies (Bhutan) |
ILCS | International Liquid Crystal Society |
ILCS | International Language and Culture Studies (Indiana) |
ILCS | Institute for Language and Communication Studies (Morocco) |
ILCS | International Leaguee of Christian Schools (Florida) |
ILCS | Inland Leaders Charter School (Yucaipa, CA) |
ILCS | Indian Lake Central School (Indian Lake, NY) |
ILCS | Island Lakes Community School (Canada) |
ILCS | Industrial Liquid Control System (chemical distribution; Knight, Inc.) |
ILCS | Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme (India) |
ILCS | International Logistics Communication System |
ILCS | Intermediate Layer Core Scanner |
ILCS | Improved Low-Cost Sonobuoy |
ILCS | Industrialised Low-Cost InofrmationTechnology Services |
ILCS | Italian Literature and Cultural Studies (University of Connecticut) |