ILDInterstitial Lung Disease
ILDInnovative Lighting Design (various locations)
ILDIch Liebe Dich (German: I Love You)
ILDIlluminations Lighting Design (Texas)
ILDInternational Long Distance
ILDInternet Listing Display
ILDInteger Load
ILDInternational Leisure Development (consortium)
ILDInstitute for Liberty and Democracy (Peru)
ILDInternational Leak Detection (various locations)
ILDIndentation Load Deflection (foam firmness testing)
ILDInstructional Leadership
ILDInternational Labor Defense
ILDInternational Literacy Day (UNESCO)
ILDInjection Laser Diode
ILDIndependent Lutheran Diocese (Klamatha Falls, OR)
ILDInter Layer Dielectric
ILDInternational Lunar Decade (astronomy)
ILDInter-Level Dielectric
ILDInternational Leadership Development
ILDI Love Dogs
ILDInstitute for Leadership Development
ILDInductive Loop Detector
ILDInsertion Loss Deviation
ILDInternational Large Detector (physics)
ILDInter Laminar Decompression (spinal surgery)
ILDInter Aural Time Delay
ILDInitial Load Deflection (mattress firmness)
ILDInstrument Loop Diagram
ILDInternal Loss Data
ILDI Like Dirt (song title)
ILDIntraline Distance (explosives)
ILDInternal Locking Device
ILDIntegrated Logistics Design (various locations)
ILDIndex-Linked Deposit
ILDInstitutional Learning and Documentation
ILDInitial Launch Data
ILDImproved Landmine Detection
ILDIndependent Layout Delivery