Acronym | Definition |
ISIS | Institute for Software Integrated Systems |
ISIS | Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (group) |
ISIS | Institute for Science and International Security |
ISIS | Institute of Science in Society (UK) |
ISIS | International Society for Infromation Studies |
ISIS | International Study of Infarct Survival |
ISIS | Institute for Surface and Interface Science (Irvine, CA) |
ISIS | Intermediate System to Intermediate System (OSI-compliant routing protocol) |
ISIS | International Secret Intelligence Service (Archer) |
ISIS | International Species Information System |
ISIS | Intermediate System to Intermediate System |
ISIS | Intelligent Scheduling and Information System |
ISIS | Implementation of Student Information System |
ISIS | Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (civil engineering) |
ISIS | Internet Sexuality Information Services (resource) |
ISIS | Image and Scanner Interface Specification |
ISIS | Integrated Submarine Imaging System (US Navy) |
ISIS | Internet Shopping Is Safe |
ISIS | International Security Information Service |
ISIS | Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (planetary mission graphics) |
ISIS | International Spinal Injection Society (now International Spinal Intervention Society) |
ISIS | Imaging Science and Information Systems (Center; Department of Radiology, Georgetown University Medical Center) |
ISIS | Integrated Standby Instrument System |
ISIS | Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society (Amherst, NY) |
ISIS | Institute for Systems, Informatics, and Safety |
ISIS | Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification (Germany) |
ISIS | International Species Inventory System |
ISIS | International Society on Infant Studies |
ISIS | Infinitely Scalable Intelligent Storage |
ISIS | International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies |
ISIS | Investigative Support Information System (US FBI) |
ISIS | Illinois Student Information System (software) |
ISIS | International Spinal Intervention Society (formerly International Spinal Injection Society) |
ISIS | Inter-Service Information Series (various locations) |
ISIS | Image, Speech, and Intelligent Systems Research Group (University of Southampton) |
ISIS | Integrated Staff Information System |
ISIS | Internet Student Information System |
ISIS | International School of Information Science |
ISIS | Innovative Systems in Silicon (International Conference) |
ISIS | Inner Space Interactive Sourcing |
ISIS | In-situ Storage Image Sensor |
ISIS | Information Society Initiatives in Standardization (IEEE) |
ISIS | Image Selected in Vivo Spectroscopy |
ISIS | Investigative Support Information System |
ISIS | Interactive Sound Information System |
ISIS | Interactive Satellite Image Server |
ISIS | Interactive Sound Integration System (PC multichannel sound board) |
ISIS | Integriertes Statistisches Informationssystem (Vienna, Austria) |
ISIS | International Superconductivity Industry Summit |
ISIS | Implementation of the Single European Sky in South East Europe |
ISIS | International Splined Interface Standard (bicycle crank and bottom bracket interface) |
ISIS | Intelligent Searching of Images and Signals |
ISIS | Iowa Student Information System (University of Iowa) |
ISIS | Industry Support Information Services |
ISIS | Intelligent Safety Info System (cars) |
ISIS | Integrated Security and Identification System |
ISIS | Isochronal Scheduled Inspection System |
ISIS | Integrated Ship Information System |
ISIS | Independent School Information Service |
ISIS | Integrated Signals Intelligence System |
ISIS | Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Studies |
ISIS | Integrated Standards Information System |
ISIS | In-Situ and Satellite Information System (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
ISIS | International Science Information Service |
ISIS | Italian Silicon Sphere |
ISIS | Integrated Safeguards Information System |
ISIS | Interactive Student Information Service |
ISIS | Information Superhighway in Space |
ISIS | Inflatable Shield in Space |
ISIS | Integrated Shipboard Information Systems |
ISIS | International Satellite for Ionospheric Study |
ISIS | Images & Scanners Interface Standard |
ISIS | Integrated Stored Information System |
ISIS | Interactive Scientific Information System |
ISIS | Interoperability and Standardization of Information Systems |
ISIS | Interchangeability/Substitutability Information System |
ISIS | Integrated Strike & Interceptor System |
ISIS | Integrated Systems for Installation Support |
ISIS | Information Systems and Infrastructure Services (MITRE) |
ISIS | Inspection & Safety Information System |