ISISInstitute for Software Integrated Systems
ISISIslamic State of Iraq and Syria (group)
ISISInstitute for Science and International Security
ISISInstitute of Science in Society (UK)
ISISInternational Society for Infromation Studies
ISISInternational Study of Infarct Survival
ISISInstitute for Surface and Interface Science (Irvine, CA)
ISISIntermediate System to Intermediate System (OSI-compliant routing protocol)
ISISInternational Secret Intelligence Service (Archer)
ISISInternational Species Information System
ISISIntermediate System to Intermediate System
ISISIntelligent Scheduling and Information System
ISISImplementation of Student Information System
ISISIntelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (civil engineering)
ISISInternet Sexuality Information Services (resource)
ISISImage and Scanner Interface Specification
ISISIntegrated Submarine Imaging System (US Navy)
ISISInternet Shopping Is Safe
ISISInternational Security Information Service
ISISIntegrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (planetary mission graphics)
ISISInternational Spinal Injection Society (now International Spinal Intervention Society)
ISISImaging Science and Information Systems (Center; Department of Radiology, Georgetown University Medical Center)
ISISIntegrated Standby Instrument System
ISISInstitute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society (Amherst, NY)
ISISInstitute for Systems, Informatics, and Safety
ISISIndustrial Signature Interoperability Specification (Germany)
ISISInternational Species Inventory System
ISISInternational Society on Infant Studies
ISISInfinitely Scalable Intelligent Storage
ISISInternational Satellites for Ionospheric Studies
ISISInvestigative Support Information System (US FBI)
ISISIllinois Student Information System (software)
ISISInternational Spinal Intervention Society (formerly International Spinal Injection Society)
ISISInter-Service Information Series (various locations)
ISISImage, Speech, and Intelligent Systems Research Group (University of Southampton)
ISISIntegrated Staff Information System
ISISInternet Student Information System
ISISInternational School of Information Science
ISISInnovative Systems in Silicon (International Conference)
ISISInner Space Interactive Sourcing
ISISIn-situ Storage Image Sensor
ISISInformation Society Initiatives in Standardization (IEEE)
ISISImage Selected in Vivo Spectroscopy
ISISInvestigative Support Information System
ISISInteractive Sound Information System
ISISInteractive Satellite Image Server
ISISInteractive Sound Integration System (PC multichannel sound board)
ISISIntegriertes Statistisches Informationssystem (Vienna, Austria)
ISISInternational Superconductivity Industry Summit
ISISImplementation of the Single European Sky in South East Europe
ISISInternational Splined Interface Standard (bicycle crank and bottom bracket interface)
ISISIntelligent Searching of Images and Signals
ISISIowa Student Information System (University of Iowa)
ISISIndustry Support Information Services
ISISIntelligent Safety Info System (cars)
ISISIntegrated Security and Identification System
ISISIsochronal Scheduled Inspection System
ISISIntegrated Ship Information System
ISISIndependent School Information Service
ISISIntegrated Signals Intelligence System
ISISInstitute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Studies
ISISIntegrated Standards Information System
ISISIn-Situ and Satellite Information System (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
ISISInternational Science Information Service
ISISItalian Silicon Sphere
ISISIntegrated Safeguards Information System
ISISInteractive Student Information Service
ISISInformation Superhighway in Space
ISISInflatable Shield in Space
ISISIntegrated Shipboard Information Systems
ISISInternational Satellite for Ionospheric Study
ISISImages & Scanners Interface Standard
ISISIntegrated Stored Information System
ISISInteractive Scientific Information System
ISISInteroperability and Standardization of Information Systems
ISISInterchangeability/Substitutability Information System
ISISIntegrated Strike & Interceptor System
ISISIntegrated Systems for Installation Support
ISISInformation Systems and Infrastructure Services (MITRE)
ISISInspection & Safety Information System