HESHospital Episode Statistics (UK)
HESHaute Ecole Specialisee (French: University of Applied Science; Switzerland)
HESHuman Embryonic Stem (cell)
HESHealth and Exercise Science (various schools)
HESHome Entertainment System (various companies)
HESHall Effect Sensor (electronics)
HESHypereosinophilic Syndrome
HESHome Entertainment Suppliers (Australia)
HESHome Electronic System
HESHigh End Server (computing)
HESHousehold Expenditure Survey (various locations)
HESHydroxyethyl Starch
HESHistorical European Swordsmanship
HESHigh End Solutions
HESHigh End System
HESHome Entertainment Server
HESHome Energy Station
HESHydraulic Energy Storage
HESHistoric Environment Service (UK)
HESHydro Electric Station (various locations)
HESHunter Elementary School (various locations)
HESHopkinsville Electric System (Kentucky)
HESHogeschool voor Economische Studies (Dutch: University of Economic Studies)
HESHealth, Environment and Safety
HESHistory of Education Society (Newark, DE)
HESHistory of Economics Society
HESHazard Elimination Safety
HESHome Energy Station (Honda)
HESHalliburton Energy Services
HESHazard Elimination System (federally funded program)
HESHurricane Evacuation Study (National Hurricane Center)
HESHamlet Evaluation System (Vietnam)
HESHitchhiker Ejection System
HESHabitat Evaluation System
HESHybrid Earth Station (Hughes)
HESHemalun Eosine Safran (histology, French: Cell components revelation method)
HESHygiene, Education and Sanitation
HESHuman Environmental Services
HESHostile Environment Simulator
HESHigh Energy Scrubber
HESHighway Enhancement System
HESHigh-Consequence Engineering Systems
HESHazleton Environmental Services, Inc (Madison, Wisconsin)
HESHamburg/ESO (European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) Survey (astrometric star catalogue; Universirty of Hamburg; Germany)
HESHistorical Engine Society
HESHeater Exchange Subassembly
HESHic Est Sepultus (Latin: Here He Is Buried, epigraphy)
HESHEED (Health, Education and Economic Development) Evening School (Bangladesh)