Acronym | Definition |
FPP | Farmland Protection Program (now Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program) |
FPP | Frequent Player Points (online poker) |
FPP | Fédération des Professionnels de la Piscine (French: Federation of Pool Professionals) |
FPP | Film Photography Podcast (online radio show) |
FPP | Fréquence Paris Plurielle (French band) |
FPP | Foundation Paper Piecing (stitching) |
FPP | Flash Panorama Player |
FPP | Florida Professional Photographers |
FPP | Fast Parallel Port |
FPP | Fast Passive Parallel |
FPP | Full Packaged Product |
FPP | Fixed Price Packet |
FPP | Flow Point Pool |
FPP | Fortran Pre-Processor |
FPP | First Past the Post |
FPP | Formation à Partir de la Pratique (French: Training from Practice) |
FPP | First Person Plural (various organizations) |
FPP | First Passage Percolation (mathematics) |
FPP | First Person Perspective |
FPP | Floating Point Processor |
FPP | Fully Packaged Product |
FPP | Family Planning Program |
FPP | Famous People Players (Toronto) |
FPP | Final Pricing Principle (Zealand) |
FPP | Fixed Pitch Propeller |
FPP | Fracture Propagation Pressure (geomechanics) |
FPP | Faculty Practice Plan |
FPP | Fiscal Policies and Procedures |
FPP | Financial Planning Program |
FPP | Family Preservation Program |
FPP | Patriotic Front for Progress (Central African Republic) |
FPP | Family Partnership Program (various organizations) |
FPP | Family Planning Perspectives (journal) |
FPP | Focal Plane Package |
FPP | Flexible Polypropylene |
FPP | fire protection program |
FPP | Fecha Posible de Parto (Spanish: Possible Date of Birth) |
FPP | Foundation for Pavement Preservation (Austin, TX) |
FPP | Fermetures pour Professionnels (French: Professional Closures) |
FPP | Federal Practice and Procedure |
FPP | Fixed Path Protocol |
FPP | Foubert Papiers Plastiques (French paper and plastics company) |
FPP | Fair Play Point (sports) |
FPP | Front Page Post |
FPP | Finished Pharmaceutical Product |
FPP | Fresh Frozen Plasma |
FPP | Frames Per Packet |
FPP | Foramina Parietalia Permagna |
FPP | Freon Pump Package |
FPP | Financial Planning Professional |
FPP | Floridians for Patient Protection |
FPP | Food Processing and Packaging Equipment |
FPP | Fee Paying Place (various schools) |
FPP | Federal Processor Permit |
FPP | Fields and Particles Pallet (US NASA) |
FPP | Forest Peoples Program (UK) |
FPP | Federal Fisheries Permit |
FPP | Fresh Pond Parkway (Massachusetts) |
FPP | Fast Pattern Processor |
FPP | Front Panel Programming |
FPP | Fiber Patch Panel (Nortel) |
FPP | Force Protection Program (US Army) |
FPP | Forbidden Planet Productions (George Washington University; Washington, DC) |
FPP | Fixed Price Project |
FPP | Full Protection Package (automobile rental) |
FPP | Firepower Potential |
FPP | First Playable Prototype (games industry) |
FPP | Federation of Polish Patients (Warsaw, Poland) |
FPP | Ferromagnetic Proximity Polarization (physics) |
FPP | Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider |
FPP | Furry Paws Point (gaming) |
FPP | Fuzzy Preference Programming |
FPP | Force Planning Process |
FPP | Full Parity Protection |
FPP | Flight Project Practice (US NASA) |
FPP | Future Packaging & Preservation, LLC |
FPP | Fully Preemptive Priority |
FPP | Financial Project Planning |