Acronym | Definition |
FPS | First Person Shooter (gaming) |
FPS | Feet Per Second |
FPS | Frames Per Second |
FPS | Federal Protective Service |
FPS | Foundations of Physical Science |
FPS | Flexible Payments Service (Amazon) |
FPS | Firing Pin Safety (weapons) |
FPS | Fields Per Second |
FPS | Fayetteville Public Schools (Fayetteville, Arkansas) |
FPS | France Poker Séries (card tournament) |
FPS | Financial Planning Software (various organizations) |
FPS | Federal Public Service (Belgium and Canada) |
FPS | Florida Park Service |
FPS | Financial Planning Services (various locations) |
FPS | Future Problem Solving |
FPS | Front Page Sports (gaming) |
FPS | Fire Prevention and Safety (various locations) |
FPS | Farmington Public Schools (Farmington, MI) |
FPS | Floating Point Standard |
FPS | First Person Shooter |
FPS | Fast Ethernet Print Server |
FPS | File and Print Sharing |
FPS | Front Panel Switch |
FPS | Fire Prevention System |
FPS | Offline Power Switch |
FPS | Forward Power Supply |
FPS | Fell Pony Society (UK) |
FPS | Fraud Prevention System |
FPS | Facial Plastic Surgery |
FPS | Fax Preference Service (UK) |
FPS | For Pete's Sake |
FPS | Flat Panel Speaker (various companies) |
FPS | Forest Products Society |
FPS | Federal Penitentiary Service (various nations) |
FPS | Financial Planning Service (various locations) |
FPS | Forum on Physics and Society (American Physical Society) |
FPS | Fédération Professionnelle des Entreprises du Sport et des Loisirs (French: Professional Federation of Enterprises of Sport and Recreation) |
FPS | Famous Pacific Shipping |
FPS | Fire Protection System |
FPS | Foreign Policy Statement |
FPS | Fingerprint Sensor |
FPS | Fast Packet Switching |
FPS | Faces Pain Scale (pediatric pain assessment) |
FPS | Floating Production System |
FPS | Federal Protection Service |
FPS | Fluid Power Society |
FPS | Five Point Someone (gaming) |
FPS | Friesch Paarden-Stamboek (Dutch: Friesian Horse Studbook) |
FPS | Foot-Pound-Second |
FPS | File Print Server (computing) |
FPS | Fédération des Praticiens de Santé (French: Federation of Health Practitioners) |
FPS | Force Protection Source (US DoD) |
FPS | Fluides Pétrole Services (French oil service company) |
FPS | Food Processing Safe |
FPS | First Person Sneaker (video game) |
FPS | Friends of Penn State |
FPS | Free Porcupine Society (music label) |
FPS | Freiheits-Partei der Schweiz (German) |
FPS | Ford Production System |
FPS | Fixed Priority Scheduling |
FPS | Federation of Piling Specialists (UK) |
FPS | Foundation Plant Services |
FPS | Facility Protection Service |
FPS | Firefighters' Pension Scheme (UK) |
FPS | Federal Prosecution Service (Canada) |
FPS | Federação Portuguesa de Surf (Portugese) |
FPS | French Property Shop (real estate) |
FPS | Fancy Play Syndrome (poker) |
FPS | Flight Planning Software |
FPS | Facsimile Preference Service |
FPS | Faster Payment Service (UK banking) |
FPS | Fiducian Portfolio Services |
FPS | Free PHP Scripts (website) |
FPS | Financial Planning System |
FPS | Frames Per Second Magazine (magazine about animation and cartoons) |
FPS | Flight Progress Strip |
FPS | Four Point Surround (Creative Labs sound technology) |
FPS | Fare Payment System (Clipper) |
FPS | Family Pairwise Search |
FPS | Facepunch Studios (forum/game developers) |
FPS | Flexible Productivity Series |
FPS | Future Power Systems (International Conference) |
FPS | Furnace Performance Sheet |
FPS | Fischer Precision Spindles (Berlin, Connecticut) |
FPS | Frontal Protection System |
FPS | Feature Picture Story |
FPS | Forecasting and Policy System |
FPS | Fading Puppy Syndrome (premature death) |
FPS | Favorite Picture Selection |
FPS | Fédération de Paintball Sportif (French) |
FPS | Functional Pattern System |
FPS | Framing Pattern Sequence |
FPS | Florida Psychiatric Society |
FPS | Florida Pediatric Society |
FPS | First Person Slasher (game) |
FPS | Fiduciary Practice System |
FPS | Family Planning Service |
FPS | French Parts Service |
FPS | Function and Performance Specification (Australian Department of Defence) |
FPS | First Person Simulator (gaming) |
FPS | Funday Pawpet Show (Internet show) |
FPS | Faculty Personnel Services |
FPS | Film Preservation Society |
FPS | Fictional-Person Slash (fanfiction) |
FPS | First Person Spam (Malte Steiner art) |
FPS | Fault Plane Solution (earthquake seismology) |
FPS | Forest Projection and Planning System (software) |
FPS | French Property Service |
FPS | Firm Power Products and Services |
FPS | Fire Protection Service, Inc |
FPS | Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia |
FPS | Final Pensionable Salary (UK pension schemes) |
FPS | Fiber Placement System |
FPS | Florida Press Service |
FPS | Forest Park School |
FPS | Front Patching Shelf |
FPS | Flight Path Stabilization |
FPS | Fossil Power Systems |
FPS | Federalnaya Pogranichnaya Sluzhba (Russian: Federal Border Service) |
FPS | Functional Product Specification |
FPS | Facilities Planning System |
FPS | Finished Product Specification |
FPS | Fuchun Primary School (Singapore) |
FPS | Frying Pan Shoals (North Carolina) |
FPS | Focal Plane Structure |
FPS | Field Project Services (Earth Observing Laboratory) |
FPS | Flight Profitability System |
FPS | Financial Processing Systems, Inc (Santa Ana, California) |
FPS | Fast Package Services |
FPS | Fengshan Primary School (Singapore) |
FPS | Fiber Protection System |
FPS | Focused Psychological Strategy (behavioral science) |
FPS | Foreign Policy School (University of Otego, New Zealand) |
FPS | Freeze Pro Software |
FPS | Feature Planning Specification (Sprint) |
FPS | Forest Products Services, LLC (Green Bay, WI) |
FPS | Fisk Plasma Source |
FPS | Federation Provisioning System |
FPS | Failure Protection System |
FPS | Floating Point Systems Ltd. |
FPS | Family Protection Service |
FPS | Fixed Position System (radar) |
FPS | Flare Prediction System |
FPS | Functional Performance Structure |
FPS | Federal-Provincial Subcommittee (Canada) |
FPS | Focus, Projection and Scan |
FPS | Fuhua Primary School (Singapore) |
FPS | Ferrari Piston Service |
FPS | Field Planning System |
FPS | Fellow of the Philological Society |
FPS | Framing Pulse Synchronization |
FPS | Fernvale Primary School |
FPS | Forecasts, their Products and Services (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) |
FPS | Financial Position Summary |
FPS | Feminine Personal Spray (health care and pharmacy) |
FPS | Free-Precession Signal |